Disclosure of Secrets, page-4

  1. 24,673 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1


    First Youtube;

    "I am the first and last" -> according to your guys false teaching, Jesus is claiming or confirming he is God, because God said these words in the OT.

    Well,...lets LOOK to Jesus's truth as to who HE says is God = This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the ONLY TRUE God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ -> (Who is the Son OF the only true God).

    So Jesus clearly says, your guys claim above, is nothing but a lie, from the father of lies.

    God the Father is the first and last and that context needs no explanation, as it is obvious.

    However, the first and last context for Jesus, is an entirely different context.
    He is first in the context of, that in the mind and plans of God, his first creation within him was for a Jesus to be, known as the firstborn of creation and the beginning of the creation of God Col 1:15, Rev 3:14, Rev 13:8, Eph 3:9 plan hid in God, known as his inner creation and logos.
    All your creations as with your word (logos), begin in you.

    He is last -> likes of, last and final prophet of God, death ends with Jesus -> death no more, etc, etc, when Jesus then hands over the Kingdom to God and is then subject to God, whom put all things under him.
    As for the other said claim of what God said in the OT, compared to what Jesus says in the NT, is two totally different contexts.
    Jesus's reference is entirely different, as he was NOT speaking of what they did or didn't do to Him directly, but what they didn't do or did do to one of His people.
    As in, what you do to them, you do to me also. (indirectly).
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