Disclosure of Secrets, page-675

  1. 25,627 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    No idea where you get that Idea of my understanding of God.

    I make the emphasis often that God is Spirit and NOT a Spirit as many Bibles have.
    So, he can be anywhere and every where at the same time, to whatever measure he chooses, but still be predominantly in heaven.

    I well and truly read the scripture with context on the Thomas matter and provided the bigger true picture which Clearly show what Thomas is drawing upon, based on the scriptures, which you clearly reject.

    I covered this one again in brief, to ppm, so check it out and show how on earth, that you could possibly refute it, and maintain the truth?
    3 additional verse to my Lord and my God, nail it beyond doubt and if you cannot see that clear and obvious as it is White, then You need to be asking, why not, as in what the hec is going on ??????????????
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