Disclosure of Secrets, page-79

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    Christ's teachings did not talk about inheritance (Luke 12:13-14).

    13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”

    14 Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?”

    Christians must follow the law of Moses regarding inheritance

    One of the most important differences between the Quran and the Bible is their attitude towards female inheritance of the property of a deceased relative. The Biblical attitude has been succinctly described by Rabbi Epstein:

    "the female members of the family were considered part of the estate and as remote from the legal personality of an heir as the slave. Whereas by Mosaic enactment the daughters were admitted to succession in the event of no male issue remained, the wife was not recognized as heir even in such conditions."

    Why were the female members of the family considered part of the family estate? Rabbi Epstein has the answer: "They are owned --before marriage, by the father; after marriage, by the husband. "

    The Biblical rules of inheritance are outlined in Numbers 27:1-11. A wife is given no share in her husband's estate, while he is her first heir, even before her sons. A daughter can inherit only if no male heirs exist. A mother is not an heir at all while the father is. Widows and daughters, in case male children remained, were at the mercy of the male heirs for provision. That is why widows and orphan girls were among the most destitute members of the Jewish society.

    Christianity has followed suit for long time. Both the ecclesiastical and civil laws of Christendom barred daughters from sharing with their brothers in the father's patrimony. Besides, wives were deprived of any inheritance rights. These iniquitous laws survived till late in the last century

    Among the pagan Arabs before Islam, inheritance rights were confined exclusively to the male . The Quran abolished all these unjust customs and gave all the female inheritance shares:

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