Disclosure of Secrets, page-82

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    "Ignatius of Antioch (died 98/117). Bishop of Antioch. He wrote much in defense of Christianity.
    “In Christ Jesus our Lord, by whom and with whom be glory and power to the Father with the Holy Spirit for ever” (n. 7; PG 5.988)."

    Nothing out of place there.

    Britannica -> He was apparently eager to counteract the teachings of two groups—the Judaizers, who did not accept the authority of the New Testament,

    OK then, his groundings should be based on the NT and NOT his opinions, which as you have shown, are NOT of the NT teachings.
    So, it's looking like the turds were running off the truth trail, a little earlier than I expected.

    Although St. Ignatius was an influential church leader and theologian, he is known almost entirely from his own writings.
    Alarm bells, "own writings" = his own creations, away from the NT, kicked in.

    His thought is strongly influenced by the letters of St. Paul and also by the tradition connected with St. John the Apostle.

    More alarm bells, as he is NOT or did not teach what they taught, hence he opted for his own writings, as recorded above = Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
    To boot or what makes it worse, it appears he had a relevant input, influence into what they (Church) adopted.
    So, as I have said many times, or effectively, you lot have followed the Bad egg not long after Jesus left.

    OH crap, the more I read on this guy, the more his credibility vanishes;
    (His) -> This longing for martyrdom........................

    OH, and now we see his said only 7 letters (own writings outside the NT), have been corrupted at some point, way way back.
    Hmmm, no surprise there eh rolleyes.png

    Goodness gracious, I've only covered a snippet, are you guys really that blind? (Oh that's right, 2 Thes 2)
    No wonder you lot will not let the Bible correctly interpret itself.
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