Disgraceful liberals vote to privatise the ABC, page-99

  1. 12,432 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3304
    The left don’t sell things, they either steal them or live off them. Open your eyes to Shortens, Gillard deal making, check out the corruption of the union and stuffing of public jobs with lefties. Check out their inability to manage. They produce white elephants that turn into black holes. By the way, Qantas and Telstra were sold off for billions and flourished better in private hands. One of the main reasons these things get sold off is because all these factors end up destroying the host. Check out the car industry as another example. The unions did not even try and work with Toyota, they would rather let it die after billions in help. They get what they deserve to some extent. The NBN and NDIS are two more. The NBN will be broken up and sold off one day as well.
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