dissolving the house of representatives 5.29pm, page-16

  1. 7,016 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    Spot on Girlsblouse thank you for that post and to add fuel to your Whitlam gov't comment fire I will take this opportunity to retell a Fairytale-like story which is actually true so I suppose that makes it a fable.

    "Once upon a time there was a very vain Prime Minister who made many mistakes. So many silly mistakes that the country was in terrible trouble so, in desperation, he was finally knifed in the back by a former friend.

    The vain Prime Minister cried on the steps of Parliament House. People were very unhappy that the leader they voted for was disposed of in such a horrible way.

    They wanted him back, so they took to the highways and byways and shopping malls. They mobbed him and wanted photos taken with him. He appeared to be more popular than when they first voted for him.

    Eventually a new election was arranged to allow the people to right this awful wrong.

    But a strange thing happened.

    On the way to the polling booths everyone paused. They remembered just how silly their vain Prime Minister had been.

    When the election results were known, it was clear the people had put their country first. Their vain Prime Minister had been wiped out in a landslide.

    The people were incredulous at what they had just done, but in a funny way they knew it was the right thing to do. Charisma alone was insufficient for their vote.

    But the vain Prime Minister was okay... he accepted a very important position overseas, where he preferred to be anyway.

    That was in 1975 and history never repeats itself... or does it?

    The end"
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