ditch her!, page-10

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "I went there last year and travelled on the road from JFK Airport to Manhatten. It's full of pot holes".

    Ha, that's like judging Australia's propserity by travelling from Parramatta to the city. You can't be serious?

    Get out in the country, go to Phoenix, travel through Idaho and Montana, have a look around. Drive down the Blue Ridge Parkway, cross the Chesapeake Bay bridge complex. Have a look around San Francisco.

    I've done a lot of touring in America, all over it, for last twenty one years, once and sometimes twice a year.

    One of the big problems Australia has is our ego. The mouse that roared. We're experts on everything, know-alls in fact. The fact is that America's road and other infrastructure is so far ahead of ours that ours is poor third world by comparison. To bring it up to American standard would cost trillions.

    America gains a huge amount of value from its transport system.

    Every time I come home, I see our problems and wasted resources, so clearly. We could do so much better if we would just admit that maybe we could learn from other places, instead of telling everyone how good we are. Its tiresome and embarrassing.

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