Given the trend in TV2 and debates on this forum, I sent an email to Tom and Nick stating my frustration around the silence around Divan TV and other updates. I basically asked whether the silence on the Divan deal implies that the deal may have fallen through and if so why hasn't the market been advised accordingly, or alternatively if still going ahead why the market not been informed that the deal is done and when is first revenue expected etc etc.
For the record this is the first time I have ever, in my investing life since the 1980s, sent an email to a company around any matter whatsoever ever. I am a bit embarrassed about sending the email now but such is life. I am not worried at today's Bexit events as good stocks will recover in price in any event but the wacko comments put on various threads here have annoyed me today, yesterday and the day before that. Below is the reply I received from Tom - to removed my name from the reply. For the record I did not advise in my email whether I was in losses or gains in this stock so part of the reply I presume might be more a general comment in nature.
From: [email protected] <
[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2016 8:48 PM
To: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Cc: Nick Fitzgerald
Subject: Re: Divan and Anns
Hi vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
No Divan has not fallen through and we are preparing for first content delivery as we speak .
Tv2u adheres to the continuous disclosure requirements of the ASX on a daily basis. Whilst we are understanding of the frustration that some shareholders may feel, we cannot release information until is is concrete and falls within our disclosure window.
We cannot run our business second guessing what price each shareholder bought in at or whether they have bought into a certain stock due to certain trading patterns.
In the stock market, as you know, someone always wins and someone always loses that's what creates a market.
We are building a solid business that is founded on fundamentals and earnings generation and cannot be continuously monitoring the charts or volumes of the stock
We are aware that some shareholders hold trades that have not worked out for them and that is unfortunate but we are not stock brokers or advisers either and these decisions were ultimately made by yourselves the shareholders not us as whether to buy or sell.
But you can can rest easy with the knowledge we are working everyday to create long term and sustainable value for the shareholders and we will provide an update to that effect shortly.
Thanks for your patience and hope to hear from you in happier times
Kind Regards
Tom Young
Managing Director
Energy Capital Partners Pty Ltd
Phone +61 414 320 419
Email [email protected]
Skype energycapitalpartners1