RMS 0.00% $2.52 ramelius resources limited

David, I find many of your posts misleading and inaccurate. An...

  1. 14 Posts.
    David, I find many of your posts misleading and inaccurate. An example were your posts 6011432 and 6011459 which state that the dividend will cost Ramelius $9 million and $8.5 million respectively. Both of these statements are incorrect. The proposed dividend of 2c for 291 million shares will cost $5.82 million as stated by Jockus. Dividends are paid from company profits all of which are taxed at the rate of 30%. The tax on $5.82 million is $1.746 million. This tax is payable regardless whether or not a dividend is paid. Accordingly the cost of the dividend is $5.82 million. Please be accurate in all posts in future!
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