A crime wave getting out of control... GEELONG businesses on...

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    A crime wave getting out of control...

    GEELONG businesses on Pakington St are banding together to plea for the community’s help as “out-of-control” burglaries plague the area.

    Owners say the attacks are crippling them both financially and emotionally, with some questioning whether they can continue to operate.

    Tonik owner Niki Nurnaitis said more than half a dozen businesses were burgled this week alone, with many more break-ins in the weeks since Easter.

    Others said they were considering employing private security to protect the strip out of sheer desperation.
    “We’ve been hit three times in the last two months. The first time they got in and got about $7000 worth of stock and caused about $6000 damage in March. The night before they did Darren Grayson’s and the day after Secret Skin,” Ms Nurnaitis said.

    “We were still finalising our claim when they came back and smashed the front window again on ANZAC Day eve then two weeks ago they came back again.

    “Then, on Sunday, there was a snatch and grab from the store about 1pm, they only got six Rip Curl jackets but had a driver waiting around the corner in Sharp St and did the bolt.”
    Data from the Crime Statistics Agency shows there were 3030 reported burglaries across Greater Geelong in 2016 — up 34.6 per cent on 2012.
    Of those reported, 180 were in the suburb of Newtown, which was the fifth highest of any suburb in the Greater Geelong region after Corio, Norlane, Geelong West and Geelong’s city area.

    Ms Nurnaitis said shop owners all put empty till drawers in the windows and kept zero cash on premises to no avail.
    “It’s no reflection on the police, when we’ve been broken into they were there within five to seven minutes of the security company calling them, but it blows my mind how this can keep happening and happening,” she said.

    “Up until the last three months it was quite sporadic, now it’s out of control.
    “By the time you get the windows replaced it happens again and they’re back smashing them.”
    Busters Bar and Grill owner Buster Herman said he lived only metres from his business, which had been hit twice recently, and was prepared to take the crooks on if they struck again.

    “Do we hire private security or roster each other on to monitor the street each night? I don’t know, it’s terrible,” he said.
    Secret Skin director Mary Resic said the spate of burglaries had left her on edge.

    Senior Sergeant Robert Wilby said officers were exploring “several avenues of inquiry” in relation to the incidents.
    “In relation to the commercial premises, the offenders appear to be looking for cash and we need to drive the messaging that no takings should be kept on the premises,” he said.

    “We will be conducting patrols of this and other areas of concern.

    “If anyone observes some suspicious activity they should immediately call 000 for the quickest response.”
    Police are also probing a string of attempted burglaries at Bannockburn and an aggravated burglary at Bristol Rd in Torquay overnight Wednesday.

    Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
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