Do Christians sin ? ABSOLUTELY, page-3

  1. 27,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The idea that we are all deserving of eternal punishment for our sins no matter what those sins are are, in my opinion, is ludicrous for some of the following reasons:
    1. It places those whose sins include genocide on an equal footing with those whose sins are not as far reaching.
    2. It prescribes eternal or infinite punishment for finite sins.
    3. For some this sin was introduced by a minor act of disobedience several thousand years ago, and we are still suffering from its effects. If you want to call eternal punishment under these circumstances just, then that is your choice.

    The absolute moment in thought and in heart that you confess to Christ (confessing to a priest wont save you) that you are a sinner deserving of eternal punishment and believe that He rose from the dead to save you and any sinner who believes, all your past and future sin is forgiven and you are sealed by The Holy Spirit.

    We are expected to believe this based on what? The ideas recorded by an author who lived thousands of years ago and mostly after Christ's death, with practically no supporting evidence. If one believes in ideas with little or no evidence then one is in danger of believing in anything.
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