Do-gooders got us into this war now they run away

  1. 900 Posts.
    Bleeding-heart, do-gooders you are truely pathetic.

    These pampered poodles were all for "saving" east timor and were screaming from the hill tops for the government to send in the troops- mind you they spend the rest of their time slagging off our brave boys in the military.

    Now when Osama Bin Liner uses "our intervention in east timor as a pretext for waging his moslem holy war on us" the pampered poodles run for the hills like the cowards they are. After these cowards un away from the problem they try to make up some lies to lay the blame on others ie Howard, wanting to stop Iraq's Satan Insane, stopping boat invaders etc.

    The do-gooders modus operandi is to entertain themselves with dangerous ideas and policies, like multi-culturalism, which eventually the rest of us are left to deal with. I mean if things get too hot this lot will just up and run like the cowards they are.

    Wake up Australia these naive, trecherous and cowardly do-gooders will ruin you.
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