GHG grand hotel group

***do not ignore property or hotels*****

  1. 72,156 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 140
    Check this one out. Touching its lows lately but no reason for it. Should benefit well from the Commomwealth games. Profits improving, nice balance sheet.

    The principal activity of the Group during the year was the investment and operation of hotels in the three, four and five
    star hotel category. These properties include ancillary businesses such as commercial office, rental offices and car
    A final distribution of 2 cents has been declared and provided for the financial year ended 30 June 2005. Payment was
    made on 29 August 2005. The distribution which amounts to $4,444,059 (2004: $5,555,083) was paid out of the Trust
    and as such there are no imputation credits applicable to these. The interim and final distributions amounting to 4 cents
    (2004: 2.5 cents) are 100% tax deferred (2004: 100%). There is not expected to be any imputation credits available for
    the subsequent financial year as future distributions are expected to be from the Trust.
    Revenue from Ordinary Activities 165,243 235,180
    Profit from Ordinary Activities before Revaluations 13,046 17,120
    Net Profit from Ordinary Activities after Income Tax Expense 31,230 22,293
    Cents Cents
    Basic earnings per security 14.05 10.03
    For the financial year ended 30 June 2005, the Group continued its performance improvements, achieving a net profit
    after tax of $31.2 million, an increase of $8.9 million (40%) from the prior year. The net profit was achieved in the
    context of reduced asset sales, reduced asset base and the closure of the Grand Hyatt Melbourne banquet facilities for a
    planned six month refurbishment.
    The decrease in revenue and profit from ordinary activities before revaluations was directly attributable to the
    • In the 2004 financial year, $72.1 million of revenue and $4.7 million of profit was generated through the sale of
    ten properties, in comparison to $8.2 million of revenue and $0.7 million of profit being generated through the
    sale of one property and strata title units in 2005.
    • The reduction in asset base along with changes in trading activity resulted in rental from the Chifley and Country
    Comfort portfolio to decease by $4.1 million.
    • The closure of the Grand Hyatt Melbourne banquet facilities for six months reduced hotel revenue and hotel
    contribution by an estimated $4 million and $1.7 million respectively. This reduction was partially offset by the
    improved room revenue from the Hyatt properties.
    Of the 14 properties held at year end, five were independently valued in 2005. The improved performance of these
    properties along with in progress refurbishments led to a valuation uplift of $18.2 million, an increase of $12.8 million
    from prior year.
    Other Key Financial Highlights
    • Bank borrowings costs down $2.7 million (excluding premium paid on buy back of converting preference
    securities), reflecting a decrease in average borrowings and reduced margins for the year;
    • Net tangible asset backing up 10.6% to $1.04 per security;
    • Security price up 23.2% to 85 cents
    • Distributions per security up 1.5 cents from prior year;
    YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005
    Operational Highlights (On a like for like basis)
    Hyatt Portfolio:
    • Revenue per available room increased by 5% to $130.36;
    • Average room rate increased by 2.9% to $162.34;
    • Successful refurbishment of the Grand Hyatt Melbourne banquet facilities.
    Chifley Portfolio:
    • Occupancy rate up from 70.5% to 72.1%;
    • Revenue per available room up 4.8% to $80.02;
    Country Comfort Portfolio:
    • Occupancy rate down from 75.7% to 74.8%;
    • Revenue per available room down 1.1% to $77.38;
    For additional details on the review of operations refer to the Chairman and Managing Director’s Review in the Annual
    There were no significant changes in the state of affairs of the Group during the financial year.
    Subsequent to year end the Group has entered into an arrangement to obtain vacant possession on all properties
    currently operated by Touraust Hotels Pty Limited (“TH”) by 30 November 2005. This arrangement provides the
    Group flexibility to sell or retain properties for any and alternate use without encumbrance from the previous lease
    arrangements. In addition, the Group has finalised compensation arrangements for all properties sold which were
    previously operated by TH.
    At the same time, the Group has reached a commercial settlement with TH and its related entities (collectively
    “Touraust”) regarding their statement of claim and the Group’s counter claim.
    The Group has agreed to pay Touraust $14 million to obtain vacant possession on the 10 properties currently operated
    by Touraust, compensation on properties sold to date (which is fully provided for at reporting date, amounting to $4.7
    million) and settlement of claims and counter claims. As part of this entire arrangement, the Group will receive early
    payment of $2.8 million owing by Touraust for brand name rights, the predominate balance of which would have
    otherwise been received in 2008. The Board believes that this will provide greater opportunities and better financial
    returns for the Group in the future.
    The directors believe that to include in this report particular information regarding the likely developments in the
    operations of the Group and the expected results of those operations in subsequent financial years would likely to result
    in unreasonable prejudice to the Group. Accordingly, this information has not been included in this report.
    The Group has agreed to indemnify the directors, company secretaries and the financial controller of Grand Hotel
    Company Limited and Grand Hotel Management Limited. The indemnification of the above classes of officers is for
    each and every liability for costs and expenses incurred by an officer, in their role as an officer to the full extent
    permitted by the law, excluding any liability arising out of conduct involving a lack of good faith, willful misconduct or
    reckless behaviour on the part of the officer.
    During or since the end of the financial year, the Group has paid premiums to insure each of the directors named in this
    report along with officers of the Group against all liabilities for costs and expenses incurred by them in defending any
    legal proceedings arising out of their conduct while acting in the capacity of director or officer of the Group, other than
    conduct involving a willful breach of duty in relation to the Group. The amount of the premium was $36,034 (2004:
    YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005
    This report outlines the remuneration arrangements in place for directors and executives of the Group. The
    remuneration details for directors and the five highest remunerated executives are set out on page 8.
    Remuneration and Nomination Committees
    The Group has a Remuneration and Nomination Committee. The composition and function of these committees are set
    out within the Corporate Governance Statement in the Annual Report.
    The Remuneration Committee is responsible for reviewing the remuneration of directors and executives, and the
    evaluation of executives and make recommendations to the Board on these matters. The Remuneration Committee
    obtains independent advice on remuneration where appropriate.
    The Nomination Committee is responsible for reviewing the composition of the Board and recommending new
    nominees for membership to the Board.
    Detailed committee charters are available on the Group’s website at
    Remuneration Policy
    The key principles of the Group’s remuneration policy are:
    • Remuneration is competitively set at levels that will attract, motivate and retain high quality local and
    international executive staff.
    • Remuneration will incorporate a variable pay element for performance.
    • Remuneration is structured to reward employees for increasing shareholder value.
    Rewards are linked to the achievement of business strategies and goals.
    In accordance with best practice corporate governance, the remuneration structure for non-executive directors, the
    executive director and executives are separate and distinct.
    Remuneration of Non-Executive Directors
    The remuneration policy for Non-Executive Directors is designed to remunerate directors based on the scope of their
    responsibilities and on the size and complexity of the Group.
    The Remuneration Committee considers the level of remuneration required to attract and retain directors with the
    necessary skills and experience for the Group’s board. This takes into account survey data on the level of directors’
    fees being paid to directors of companies of comparable size and complexity.
    No equity incentives are offered to non-executive directors.
    No retirement allowances are payable to non-executive directors appointed after 1 July 2003. As Mr Conn and Mr
    Haddad joined the board before then and have served on the Board for longer than seven years they are entitled to a
    retirement allowance. These directors are contractually entitled to a lump sum amount equal to the sum of their fees
    paid for three years prior to their retirement. This amount will be adjusted for any net superannuation paid by the
    Group. The two non-executive director’s retirement allowance, including adjustments for estimated superannuation
    earnings, totals $353,000 at June 2005.
    The maximum aggregate cap for the remuneration of non-executive directors was set at $400,000 per annum, as
    approved by shareholders in 1997. This cap covered directors’ fees but not retirement benefits.
    Non-executive directors’ fees are fixed between $40,000-$55,000 per director per annum inclusive of committee fees
    and the Chairman’s fees are $100,000 per annum inclusive of committee fees. From 1 July 2003, the Board volunteered
    to take a reduction in their fees and remuneration until the Group returned to profitability. This arrangement will be
    reviewed after 1 July 2005 following two consecutive years of profit.
    Other than the reduction referred to above, the current directors’ fees have been unchanged since 2001.
    YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005
    Remuneration of Executive Director
    Managing Director, Mr Garry Cameron is currently the only executive director. He was appointed managing director
    and chief executive officer in August 1996.
    The executive director has an employment contract to 1 July 2006. On or before 31 December 2005 Mr Cameron and
    the Board have to undertake renewal negotiations or allowing the contract to lapse. The remuneration of the executive
    director comprises fixed remuneration and an annual short-term incentive.
    The remuneration of the executive director is fixed by the Board as part of the terms and conditions of his appointment.
    Those terms and conditions are established in a contract of employment with Mr Cameron which was effective from 1
    July 2002 and they are subject to review from time to time, by the Board. The performance of the Managing Director is
    reviewed annually. The performance objectives include both annual and multi-year performance periods.
    Executive Remuneration Structure
    The remuneration structure outlined below is applicable to the executives in the four Hyatt operated hotels and Grand
    Hotel Management Limited (“GHML”) as Responsible Entity. The remuneration structure consists of two parts;
    • FIXED REMUNERATION generally comprises salary, superannuation and other benefits provided by the Group.
    • VARIABLE REMUNERATION comprises a short-term incentive of an annual cash payment with no cumulative
    The Group aims to set fixed annual remuneration at levels of positions for comparable size, based on position
    evaluations using local and internationally recognised position evaluation methods.
    The fixed remuneration component at the operational level relates only to salary and some allowances. Other elements
    of the remuneration are contracted entitlements that are subject to cost variations. These cost variations may be caused
    by the seniority of the position, changes to the market rate for the benefit, such as home leave airfares, the utilisation of
    the benefit and exchange rates where overseas superannuation and insurance components are included.
    The fixed remuneration for GHML executives, including the Company Secretary, is subject to a total employment cost
    Short-term incentives are applied at two levels. The first level is at operational level where a structured formula is used
    to ascertain the short-term incentive recommended to be paid. The second level is within GHML where short-term
    incentives are based on the overall performance of the Group. The aim of the short-term incentive arrangement is to
    drive performance to increase shareholder value.
    The short-term incentives at the operational level are based on an annual scoring mechanism containing three
    performance condition parts namely, financial performance, mystery guest survey and an employee opinion survey,
    with a minimum standard established in each part. This formula is based on a worldwide approach used by Hyatt. All
    parts of the formula must meet a minimum standard for the executives of a hotel to be eligible for an incentive
    allocation. The Group has management discretion to override the formula outcome. During the period bonuses were
    paid to executives of three of the four operating companies.
    The annual incentives within GHML are up to a maximum of 40% of base salary for a number of executives’ fixed
    remuneration and are based on the contribution to the performance of the Group. No bonuses were paid to executives of
    GHML during the period.
    Remuneration Review
    The remuneration for all executives and staff is formally reviewed and reported to the Remuneration Committee
    Retirement Benefits for Employees
    The Group’s employees participate in a choice of superannuation funds. Most employees participate in cash
    accumulation funds, their retirement benefit being the company’s and their own contributions plus investment earnings.
    A small number of current employees are members of an international fund established by Hyatt Corporation that
    provides a defined benefit pension or lump sum on retirement.
    YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005
    Service Agreements
    The terms and conditions of employment of both the Managing Director and General Manager of the Group contain
    provisions for termination payments of up to a maximum of one year’s remuneration. Termination payments are not
    payable, however, where termination is as a consequence of misconduct or any serious breach of the terms of
    If the Group terminates the Managing Director’s appointment without cause or does not renew his appointment beyond
    1 July 2006, in addition to his statutory entitlements, he will be paid an amount equal to his fixed annual remuneration.
    The General Manager also has a fixed term of employment to 31 March 2006. If the Group terminates the General
    Manager’s appointment without cause or does not renew his appointment beyond 31 March 2006, in addition to his
    statutory entitlements, he will be paid an amount equal to nine months of annual remuneration.
    A notice period of six months applies to both the Managing Director and the General Manager.
    Other senior executives have no fixed term of employment. In the event of retrenchment, senior executives are entitled
    to payments in accordance with the terms of their engagement, which provides for a period of notice or pay in lieu of
    notice between one and three months, plus statutory entitlements.
    Group Performance
    The Group’s performance over the last five years (including the current financial year) is best reflected in the
    movements of basic earnings per security, net tangible asset backing (“NTA”) and share price per security as shown
    below. Over the past 2 years, the Group has generated positive returns and narrowed the margin between share price
    and NTA.
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