What you have written will happen and is in the planning by the...

  1. 10,604 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2095
    What you have written will happen and is in the planning by the earth council that was set up mainly by the Pleiadians.
    But any form of control fear of God or judgement by God will not exist or can not exist within the new earths vibration, this means that religion will not exist, can not exist as it revolves around worship of another, being judged by another, fearing another, that other being God.
    When your reality revolves around a one God that judges you, you judge yourself, this thought and emotional pattern results in a low vibration that is not of the higher vibration of the new earth, low vibrational souls can not coexist with high vibrational souls, it is the natural order of the universe when a planet and over 50% of its population reality moves to the 5th dimensional reality.
    It will all happen when over 50% of the worlds population reaches the 4th dimensional reality, this is a more spiritual reality, but more importantly a reality of knowing the truth that we are light and many of our souls come from the stars, and we are controlled by dark beings embodied as humans in our governments, religions, medical and big companies, almost everything told in the media we realize as the lies they are, the mrna vaccines were created to contaminate our souls and most other medical drugs are created to keep us at a low vibration and control our reality, realizing we have DNA from many races from the stars, the truth about inner earth beings and other off planet high vibrational beings helping us here on earth, acceptance of not consuming other souls such as animal products.
    Those that accept this will become part of the new earth reality, those who do not will die and there souls will leave there bodies and go to a planet that supports there reality, there vibration.
    So you see, there will be no religion on the new earth, those stuck in that reality and still under the control of the media and dark governments will no longer exist on new earth.
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