Our sun is 1.4 million km in diameter (already an unimaginable...

  1. 3,064 Posts.
    Our sun is 1.4 million km in diameter (already an unimaginable size). It would fit over a million Earths within it.

    Another star in our Milky Way galaxy 7500 light years away (light travels at 300,000 km/s), Eta Carinae, is 4 million times brighter than our Sun and loses mass equivalent to 500 Earths each year as solar wind alone. Light takes 8 hours to cross the distance of the star itself!

    Then there is VY Canis Majoris, still in our own galaxy, over 2000 times larger in diameter than our Sun, with a diameter of over 3 Billion km!

    But that is nothing. Then we start looking at the size of nebula, clusters and galaxies.

    Our own Milky Way is 750,000 light years across. It contains an estimated 100-400 billion stars.

    The largest known galaxy is 5 Million light years across. There are most certainly larger unseen and unknown galaxies out there.

    There is an estimated 200-500 billion galaxies in the universe, EACH with 100's of billions and in some cases perhaps trillions of stars.

    The known universe is thought to be 13 Billion light years across. The estimately total size is thought to be 93 Billion light years in size.

    Yet, seemingly 'thinking', 'advanced' creatures on Earth (a planet with an insignificant 12,100km distance in diameter, only 0.04 light seconds!) choose to think of themselves as 'one offs'. Rather than looking at the universe around them and accepting their unbelievably obvious insignificance in the essense of time and universe, they instead choose to "believe" they were created as something extra special, by a God; placed only on one planet in the universe which is 93 Billion light years wide. Their task? To rule all other creatures within this only 'live' planet in the universe and to "be good".

    This God knows and loves each and every one of these primates individually and knows when they have prayed or not.

    In this universe, almost anything IS possible. But a God that fixates on humans?

    ....Uh, huh. Riiiiiight.

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