do we all belong in heaven, page-28

  1. 6,564 Posts.

    Really, ranting and raving, you have the hide to say I rant and rave, well I do, but I'm a babe in the woods compared to you. Didn't you make No. 2 on the posting parade?

    I believe that I am as close to being free of superstition as one can get, touch wood.

    As for so called, God. I don't feel the need for God. I don't even like using the word, God, but must for the sake of communication. That said, it is an inescapable conclusion that the universe did not have the will to construct itself. All states of order require a will or desire. A universe, full of pre-Creation material would have remained inert or benign, unless acted on by a desire or will. This is the basis of my belief. If this Will or Desire creates or instigates the formation of all life and matter and the forces of cohesion, then one is drawn to the conclusion that there is a reason, and that the reason is most clearly found within the true religions, the Buddhist belief being one of them.

    Buddhism, with my limited understanding, teaches that compassion and wisdom are already within and can be reached by processes of right living and meditation etc. To know ones self is to know God. Therefore the love you mentioned is generated by the individual who functions at the behest of some unknowable Agent.

    The Will and Desire behind every vibrating atom is beyond any understanding whatsoever. These notions of sitting at God's right hand, etc are just words and words only work for things in this physical dimension. That's why God does not have a name. Words can never describe any aspect of what God is, might be, looks like etc.

    I have no concept of God, however, nothing in my life is more clear than the fact that I'm sure that order comes from a Defining, Willing, External Essence that is the source of order. We can not feel, see or touch the forces that bind and build and maintain existence but they are there. And beyond that there is that ultimate something, the Will that enables for a reason and purpose.

    Now I've given you something to rip into but I promise I won't call it ranting and raving.
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