Words fail me at the soap opera that is being wheeled in front...

  1. 2,949 Posts.
    Words fail me at the soap opera that is being wheeled in front of us. Between Gillards fakeness, Rudds fakeness , Tanner and Faulkner resigning, union thugs and the huge deficit, there is too much to take in at once. Are we are meant to just gloss over what the Labor party are brushing off as a success story. Are we really meant to swallow this all at the one time? It is a truly ground breaking scenario . A tawdry tale of desperate, fake dysfunction. I know what Tony means when he says people are saying they want some stability.

    Anyone see Gillard at the dinner tonight to celebrate the canonization of Mary Mackillop, the first Australian Saint. Almost as bizarre as Julia offering prayers for Rudd when he was in hospital. Can they really pass this getup as the Elected Australian Government? Truly amazing.
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