does anyone know what the english system of educat, page-11

  1. 5,447 Posts.
    O and A level are at secondary schools. In my day you had to pass so many A levels to get into university which was free....showing my age! O level was taken at about 15/16 and then on to A level for 2 years. However I think you will find that the Australian secondary system is very good and the uni system cheap; to go to uni in the UK you have to leave home and go to some other part of the country to do your studies. However if you can afford it a uni education in the UK would guarantee you a job anywhere in the world. Similary, work experience in UK/Europe/USA will place you ahead of others when you return. Wages are twice those here for uni graduates, but of course expenses are high but who cares when you are at the centre of the educated world.......??!!
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