does god accept all religions?, page-108

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    from Wikipedia

    Three fundamental propositions Helena Blavatsky

    The first proposition is that there is one underlying, unconditioned, indivisible Truth, variously called "the Absolute", "the Unknown Root", "the One Reality", etc.

    Buddhism does not teach this. Buddhism explains the sole unconditioned reality is nirvana but it is not really correct to call nirvana "the truth" or "the root" or "reality", since nirvana is one reality amongst many realities

    About nirvana, Buddhism explains:

    1. it is the sole unconditioned element in nature

    2. it is experienced when greed, hatred & delusion extinguish in the mind

    3. as a 'truth', it is the end of suffering

    4. it is the highest 'happiness' or supreme peace

    therefore, the unconditioned nirvana is not a ground of being, or unknown root, or a one reality, or 'the absolute', whatever that means


    It is causeless and timeless, and therefore unknowable and non-describable: "It is 'Be-ness' rather than Being".

    here, Helena Blavatsky is utterly confused. Buddhism explains nirvana is the unconditioned (asankhata), therefore it is not mentality & not materiality, which are conditioned (sankhata); Buddhism explains the unconditioned is knowable and describable. although naturally the word is not the thing, Buddha gave many descriptions of the unconditioned nirvana. therefore, the unconditioned cannot be 'be-ness' or 'being' or any inference to 'consciousness'.

    the very fact that Helena Blavatsky spoke about something unknowable and non-describable shows how confused & contradicted she was. her view here is exactly the same of those that speak of a 'God' that cannot be known

    However, transient states of matter and consciousness are manifested in IT

    this is not Buddhism. this is an attempt at meta-physics (materialism), to describe a 'ground of being'. for example, there is a universe with millions of stars & planets and Blavatsky is attempting, in the manner of material science, to postulate the 'blank canvas' upon which all of these stars & planets are 'painted on'

    unknowable and non-describable, in an unfolding gradation from the subtlest to the densest, the final of which is physical plane. According to this view, manifest existence is a "change of condition" and therefore neither the result of creation nor a random event.

    more materialism, as I previously said. for many years now, you have just posted materialism on these forums

    Buddha taught he was concerned, like a doctor or psychologist, about two things: (i) suffering; mental disease; and (ii) the end of suffering; cure of mental disease

    Blavatsky appears to show little interest in suffering


    Everything in the universe is informed by the potentialities present in the "Unknown Root," and manifest with different degrees of Life (or energy), Consciousness, and Matter.

    more materialism


    The second proposition is "the absolute universality of that law of periodicity, of flux and reflux, ebb and flow".

    Buddha taught all conditioned phenomena was impermanent, subject to flux, decay & cessation. he taught this because if this reality is fully realised & experience, the mind will become dispassionate, which results in the end of suffering, since mental suffering ends when desire ends

    the only reason Buddha taught about impermanence was so the mind would manifest non-attachment and not have false or unrealistic expectations that result in disappointment & suffering


    Accordingly, manifest existence is an eternally re-occurring event on a "boundless plane": "'the playground of numberless Universes incessantly manifesting and disappearing,'" each one "standing in the relation of an effect as regards its predecessor, and being a cause as regards its successor", doing so over vast but finite periods of time.

    this is more materialism; just intellectual entertainment & indulgence


    Related to the above is the third proposition: "The fundamental identity of all Souls with the Universal Over-Soul... and the obligatory pilgrimage for every Soul—a spark of the former—through the Cycle of Incarnation (or 'Necessity') in accordance with Cyclic and Karmic law, during the whole term." The individual souls are seen as units of consciousness (Monads) that are intrinsic parts of a universal oversoul, just as different sparks are parts of a fire. These Monads undergo a process of evolution where consciousness unfolds and matter develops. This evolution is not random, but informed by intelligence and with a purpose. Evolution follows distinct paths in accord with certain immutable laws, aspects of which are perceivable on the physical level.

    this is pure Hinduism. any mention of a 'soul' divorces it from Buddhism. Buddha taught consciousness is merely sense awareness, is dependent on the physical body, can be subject to disease & is impermanent

    later "pseudo-Buddhists" invented theories of a stream of consciousness that is reincarnated or reborn but Buddha never taught this


    One such law is the law of periodicity and cyclicity; another is the law of karma or cause and effect.

    Buddhism explains the law of karma is just one example of a law of cause & effect. Buddhism explains there are many laws of cause & effect, such as the laws of physics, chemistry & biologically.

    Buddhism explains all created/conditioned things are subject to/manifest from cause & effect.

    The most subtle law of cause & effect (iddappaccayata) Buddha explained was Dependent Origination (paticcasummupada), which explains how the illusion of 'self' or 'soul' is created in the mind (and, inversely, how it ends, via enlightenment)

    in conclusion, this post easily, without any effort, confirms:

    1. Blavatskyism has no foundation in real Buddhism

    2. Blavatskyism is creationist materialism

    3. Dlux has no real knowledge of Buddhism (which is OK. if we have never studied real Buddhism, how could we understand it?)


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