Does God have free will?, page-8

  1. 11,400 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 565
    The issue with your argument and your dilemma is your applying human constructs to a non-human entity.

    IF God exists and IF he is omnipotent his thoughts and perceptions would be on such a different level to ours that trying to comprehend it is more foolish than anything else.

    In fact, the entire downfall of religion is a result of man-kind trying to interpret God in their own way, people want to bend rules to their favour like anything else, but even above that is the quiet truth that even knowledge passed from God to us would be so insufficiently presented in the language we could comprehend that even direct communication would be ripe with errors.

    Humans cannot even truly comprehend the 4th and 5th dimension and if M-theory holds true there are 7 more after that (or potentially infinite) which would essentially make our entire existence look like a dot, or a line on a page to higher dimensional beings. Yet here we sit, on a human invention, thinking human thoughts about comprehending a being which we have no proof exists and if it does, would be so immensely complex that we the relationship between single celled organisms and ourselves would be closer than us to it.
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