does hc slows my pc

  1. 4,086 Posts.

    I'm wondering if anybody else is seeing this or perhaps somebody can give me a clue as to what is going on here.

    My PC is quite neat and tidy (Win XP) and runs reasonably smoothly. From time to time, however, it will suddenly become sluggish. In the past I have just either battled on through or rebooted.

    Recently I decided to see if I could see what is going on. So the next time I suffered the sluggishness I checked the performance in the Task Manager and sure enough the CPU usage was at 100%.

    Having a look at the processes running it was very clear that ie7 was using all the CPU. So, I went through each tabbed page in ie7 and shut it down, all the time watching the CPU usage. The instant I shut down the HC tab the CPU usage dropped right off and the PC went back to normal.

    I have now done the same exercise several times with exactly the same result. It is always HC.

    Sometimes I can have HC running in a tab and there is no problem but it seems that whenever I have the problem it is always HC and as soon as I shut it down all is well again.

    If I had to prvide any further clue, I think it seems to occur when I have left the PC for several hours and then returned. I can't really be sure if that is definatively the case though.

    I am suspecting that it has something to do with the flash ads.


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