Today's article in the Australian by Janet Albrechtsen, poses a...

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    Today's article in the Australian by Janet Albrechtsen, poses a vey important question for Democracy and the concept of religious freedom as practised in the West. Are we being fooled by the so called 'moderate' Muslims in Indonesia? From today's Australian (extracts only):

    "Even for supposedly reasonable Muslims, accommodation is a one-way street.
    Perched high in the verdant mountains of central Java recently, the rural silence was broken five times a day by the Muslim call to prayer. The chanting wafted up from loudspeakers in the local villages as Indonesian Muslims observed longer than usual prayers during Ramadan. I asked a cab driver if he was fasting until sunset during this Islamic month of reflection. Rules are made to be broken, he said with a smile. But not according to the government and police in Indonesia, a country hailed as the world's largest, most moderate Muslim nation.

    Local newspapers report an American man being held on suspicion of blasphemy for pulling the plug on a loudspeaker at a local mosque. According to police, Luke Gregory Lloyd pulled out the loudspeaker's cable in Kuta village in central Lombok when he was woken by the Koranic reading.

    So how is moderate Islam doing in Indonesia? Not so well if you're that American man facing five years in prison. Perhaps it's all relative. In Saudi Arabia, he may have faced more violent punishment for his cultural insensitivity. That said, the promise of moderate Islam is beginning to look decidedly unconvincing." etc. etc.

    It makes very interesting reading,for those with an open mind of course.

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