Does this make sense?, page-5

  1. 82,552 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    well billy -- point me to your original question again please and on this latter bit

    "In the meantime the nasty ScoMo obsession rolls on with no explanation why Morrison deserves so much covid related hate mail while covid ridden French management is held in high esteem."

    Scott Morrison will go down in history as being the ONLY leader of a developed democracy who has blocked his citizens from leaving their nation - without any plan whatsoever to change the rules

    probably indeed illegal

    the only other leader in the world to do that at present is the leader of North Korea - and, do they make a good pair - do they what.

    Also - notice that even after all this time - Morrisons job of obtaining and delivering vaccinations is at dog slow pace --------- you ask about France - well, France began dismally - but, now - is streets ahead of Australia

    Australia is LAST on the list of the developed nations -

    LAST billy ---------- LAST ----------- the one at the bottom -

    that's the BOTTOM billy

    could it be any worse?? --- arrh - no - last is pretty much unbeatable for the wooden spoon
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