dog act? son defends chaser

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    Dog act? Son defends Chaser skit mocking his father

    Josephine Tovey September 18, 2013 - 4:37PM

    The Chaser team have received support from an unlikely source in the public row over a skit where they photoshopped an image of a prominent Australian columnist having sex with a dog, with the columnist's son writing a piece defending the broadcast.

    The ABC comics were widely criticised for a sketch on The Hamster Decides targeting Chris Kenny, a columnist for The Australian newspaper and former Coalition political adviser.

    The skit included news footage of Kenny questioning the level of funding "thrown" at the ABC, and then featured an photoshopped image of him having sex with an animal.

    Media Watch host Paul Barry on Monday singled the skit out for criticism, saying there was nothing satirical or clever about it, and Kenny himself lamented the fact that "my kids now when they want to Google my name, they'll see it in the future."

    But one of Kenny's own children on Wednesday came out strongly defending the ABC show.

    Liam Kenny penned an unsolicited article for the pop-culture, news and analysis website Junkee, describing his father as a "neo-conservative" who "spits at anyone concerned with such trivialities as gender equality, environmental issues or labour rights" and rejected the suggestion the image would cause him great offence.

    "Kenny is a staunchly neo-conservative, anti-progress, anti-worker defender of the status quo. He is an unrelenting apologist for the Liberal Party. He was one of Alexander Downer's senior advisers at the time of the Iraq War," wrote Liam Kenny on the website.

    "He is a regular and fervent participant in The Australian's numerous ongoing bully campaigns against those who question its editorial practices and ideological biases... Andrew Bolt has recently referred to Kenny on his blog as 'a friend'.

    "And it's a jokey picture of a bestial embrace that I should be afraid of discovering online?"

    The article was published on Wednesday morning and has already been widely shared on social media.

    Seemingly in response to the piece, Chris Kenny tweeted: "I am proud of my children, love them deeply, and encourage them to think for themselves."

    When contacted by Fairfax Media, the senior Kenny declined to comment further.

    Editor of Junkee, Steph Harmon, said Liam Kenny had emailed her on Tuesday night offering the article, and she had warned him it was likely to go viral.

    She praised the columnist's response to his son's article.

    "I think it was the best way he could have responded, it was a really nice way to defuse the situation," she said.

    Liam Kenny said in the comment section of the article that he did not write the piece to embarrass his father.

    "He is by no means a bad father, he's a good one. Any pop-psych diagnosis of my reasons for writing this will miss the fact that this is meant to be a comment on the issue alone and is not personally or emotionally motivated," he wrote.

    In response to earlier queries from Media Watch, the head of entertainment at ABC television, Jennifer Collins, defended the image.

    "While strong in nature, the segment was consistent with the humour from the Chaser team and in line with the target audience of The Hamster Decides. The graphic was clearly fake and absurd," she was quoted as saying.

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