Here at Albury, seems every man woman and child has a dog, but...

  1. 11,084 Posts.
    Here at Albury, seems every man woman and child has a dog, but what recently gave me the irrates, ... taking the young grandson fishing at Mungabareena on the Murray, no sooner we have lines in the water, dogs come charging down to the water off lead, all around our gear into the water, .. the owners casually appear, ... couldn't give a rat's ....
    So, each Sunday the same thing happens, one dog then a couple, then more.
    One Sunday our spot was taken so as I walked along looking for another site to fish, a black Lab. cross approached, I told it to "piss off', whereon the dog being used to owning the area started gowling and being aggressive, but still wouldn't "piss off".
    The female owner had been walking a short distance away and by this time was asking me, "what was the problem ?"

    I said her dog should be on a lead, she said "my dog does not have to be on a lead", and was upset that I had told it to PO.

    What a pain having to put up with these animals, that I can understand are part of their family, ... but they have no thought for others that don't want anything to do with their "family" members.

    There are signs at the reserve about all sorts of things, but not about dogs being on leads, even though the council assured me it was not a leash free area.
    Any time you go to the reserve there are dogs running unrestrained, cars driving around with their dog running in front on their headlights, sh.. here and there, and contrary to what the Ranger Supervisor told me a couple of months ago, they did not put up a dog sign.

    Maybe I should put up my own signs.

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