dole payment

  1. 323 Posts.
    'Dole payment is so low, forcing people into crime'
    If this is the reason why labor government decide to increase dole then you are no different than supporting crime into this country. When these parasites realise that their dole need to be upped, they just go into higher and frequent crime spree again knowing that dumb labor will bail them out.
    Please apply to work as a criminal free money from government. Your leader is J.Gill and your contact person is W.s.Wan.
    Mining tax is used for increasing dole payment --humbug.
    My tax goes to increase dole payment --- no way.
    all labor mps 1% of their pay after tax goes to increasing dole payment that I agree. that way labor government is notburdening hard working australian people.
    come on staff of labor government start sacrificing on your behalf stop saying la di da.
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