"be interesting to see the figures from immigrant groups before...

  1. 43,055 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    "be interesting to see the figures from immigrant groups before tarnishing all the men in Australia.". ... you obviously miss the point mozz. the idea is not pointing the finger at all men as perpetrators. yet its the culture of men to see women as easy prey, victims who cannot adequately defend themselves and so vulnerable.

    the true point is that we need to take ownership of the point of view that enables women to be seen as viable targets for anger and aggression.

    so simply be aware of your brothers, neighbours, friends and colleagues..... and women who show signs of being subject to violence, coercion and being victimised. should we see such indicators of aggression we can try to talk with the person, broadly, generally at first to see if suspicions have foundations., then openly discussing how we manage our anger and frustrations.
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