Both sexes need to improve their behaviour but as per your post...

  1. 10,571 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 674
    Both sexes need to improve their behaviour but as per your post in different ways. Just as men's dv is recognised as abuse the females mental abuse in its various forms needs to be recognised and called out.

    I dont think society fully recognised yet the long term consequences of the me, me, me me part of feminism. Oh we have stats on marriages down and divorces up and birth rate down all right but we are only now just beginning to see the long term consequences for women with feminism. That is they are now the fastest growing group of homeless people. This percentage is growing monthly - it will be full blown in a decade or so leaving them childless and with no one to care for them at all in their old age. The promiscuity in their 20's and 30's and 'not needing any man' attitudes have long term consequences. The fun they had will change and life from 40 to death won't be so much fun as per this summation from someone els eon the net>

    Women actually go through two major setbacks. One is definitely the wall. But the worst faze is the invisibility cloak. Thats when they are no longer even seen. Men loose all interest in them and so does society. The invisibility cloak is far worse than the wall. When the cloak gets put on. They are truly alone for life. Look around. They are out there. It’s the saddest thing in the world. No kids. No husband. Extended family has all died off. Just alone.

    Careful what you wish for - you just might get it. Wonder Woman's 1984 movie and the monkey claw sums it up. You gain your wish but you lose something just as valuable.

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