this is one area where I believe that 'philosophically' and 'in...

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    this is one area where I believe that 'philosophically' and 'in theory' France - has it all over Australia --

    the 'practice' might not be perfect ---------- but the philosophy is extraordinarily good in comparison to Oz.

    France administers by location, so, in France - there is no such thing as 'aboriginal' areas, 'the gap', etc etc

    barring a couple of very odd location differences (social security payments and mutual (health) benefits different - in a couple/few departments near the border -and those due to history - with Germany -

    barring those little issues - EVERYONE in France is the same - that's it.

    By law - race cannot be mentioned - it doesn't appear on any documents, by law, and very strong laws.

    What happens in theory and mostly in practice is that if an area has a problem with housing -

    it will be Department X ------- and the government will divert resources to Department X to repair the problems.

    Particular ethic groups aren't catered for - unless Department X has some kind of need for maybe extra funding for language education - because people in Department X can't speak French.

    There's no such thing as - it's 'an aboriginal town' or on government forms - tick this box if you are an aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander -

    the mere thought of a form like that in France sends a French person into some kind of fit - or mostly they just get a glazed look because they can't even comprehend the concept.

    So, an area that has an issue with domestic violence - would have resources diverted to it - to identify reasons, and to try to change conditions that might appear to be creating more of a problem there than other places.

    Now France I doubt has any more of a problem or less of a problem with DV than Australia - but, it's the way of handling government and problems that is different.

    And of course it goes for all - not just DV - but crime, health etc etc. ----------- It's certainly NOT perfect in practice - because you can have hell's own trouble getting a dentist or psych services etc in some outer areas - but, easy to get in say Paris or the bigger cities -------------- BUT, philosophically and theoretically - it's far superior and takes the ethnic differences right out of the picture
    Last edited by pintohoo: 02/05/24
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