The secret about Trump is that he is politically moderate and...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 55

    The secret about Trump is that he is politically moderate and rhetorically extreme. But many of the people who have been running are rhetorically extreme and politically extreme, which is not what Americans prefer.

    Rhetorically extreme only works for Donald Trump. It really does not work for anyone else.

    Trump is one of one in the same way that Barack Obama for Democrats was one of one.

    You cannot be Trump. There is no one who can out-Trump Trump. There's nobody who can even be in that same category. Trump is a stand-up comedian who became president of the United States because he's extraordinarily entertaining. He is camera-magnetic. He is always funny. He's an entertainer who became a politician, not a politician trying to be an entertainer.

    All of those things are things no other politician can hold a candle to because he's in a completely different category.

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