Donald Trump wants to ‘reopen’ US economy in weeks, not months, page-5

  1. 1,022 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    I do want more data on it for sure, but I also can't see feasibility of the entire economy stopping for 6-12 months or beyond either, this would be catastrophic. I think we have to explore measures to keep society functioning whilst we fight the virus at the same time, I agree with Trump's underlying argument
    For ScoMo to say 6 months shutdown or longer and this is only stage 1 isn't viable, better get the army on the streets fast because this will be a borderline civil war scenario, it will become very dangerous. Trump is weighing up the options so I appreciate his open mind on this. Feels like in Australia, we have some medical professionals making all the calls, of course they are conservative and they want to save lives, but they are specialists aswell. We may have to pick our poison on this one, let's keep gathering data and weigh up our options, all I know right now is we have 7 deaths in Australia and 1 million jobs were lost last night.
    If the mortality rate is in line with other infectrious disease, or if there's particular segments of the population needing protection that's fine, we have to work around it.
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