ABC is left wing bias ... Trump is a buffoon billionaire who has...

  1. 3,981 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 217
    ABC is left wing bias ... Trump is a buffoon billionaire who has bullied his way through the presidency like he did his empire, oblivious to the trail of destruction behind him.. and handed himself and his unqualified family top political jobs, and many millions in tax cuts and crooked business deals via the presidency. As it all comes tumbling down, the main reason is incompetence, self interest and ego ... not media bias.

    Try watching Planet America (ABC) sometime... it does mock Trump, but also is honest with things that he does which are ok.

    While I don't trust main stream media very much, the ABC is one of the select few that has far more research behind it's stories than most of the 'Advertorial' news production teams across Australia.

    When the Democrats decided to back Clinton instead of Sanders, they handed Trump the job.

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