"don't patronise me, primeminister", page-18

  1. 1,859 Posts.
    Have you heard politicians speaking to and about one another? Tell me, Neil Mitchell was worse than them. Do you ever get a straight answer from a politician when asked a simple question, not too often. Politicians from all political parties speak to one another like dogs, yet no one questions them on the shocking examples they spew out each day. I am sick to the back teeth of all the crap politicians come out with, it's about time they gave the public the respect they expect of us.

    The radio interview ....I think, Mitchell is like a lot of Australians, simply fed up with the lies and spin this, Gillard led government are telling the public. There has been a shocking & disgraceful waste of public funds, is it no wonder he kept asking questions about the new flood levy? It's our money she wants! Did, Gillard give a straight answer about funds going to Victoria? Did she answer the question of funds going to Tasmania, no she did not!

    The Bligh/Beattie have got Queensland into such a mess financially, am I being cynical if I think this is a bail out for Anna. Can't fault, Bligh during the flood crisis, she was terrific and made, Gillard look 2nd class, but ....

    Gillard, mentioned the pensioner who contacted her office and told her she wanted to participate in the levy payments. I question that one, she is well known for her tales & spin, she went on to mention others who had contacted her office, but not once did she mention the protesters, and there are plenty if you read the newspapers, she makes me sick!

    So I am with Neil Mitchell, he asked a lot of questions the public want to know the answers to themselves, but never have the opportunity to ask, I give him full marks. Remember the pollies are elected by the public and if they want our respect they should start giving respect and answer the questions truthfully when asked.
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