Well well well. Referencing the Murdoch press. I hope that along...

  1. 5,919 Posts.
    Well well well. Referencing the Murdoch press. I hope that along with your reference comes the realization of the bias that this conglomerate has against Labor, though that is not likely.

    Let us face the facts. The most anyone will pay for assisting those who have been affected by the floods will be a lousy $5 per week for twelve months. Most will pay $1. Despite the fact that most will not even notice this drop in income much is being made of it. There is only one possible reason why: politics.

    Alongside the uproar over the levy there has been argument put forward for the establishment of a permanent fund to address the need to finance disaster recovery. All but those on the highest income have enjoyed large income tax reductions under the Labor government. Perhaps the government, and all of us, would have been better off if it had reduced the tax reductions and established what is now being suggested; a nest egg to be used in times of an emergency. An emergency fund would certainly address the problem of funding causing undesirable outcomes in the wider economy. It would have a smoothing effect through countering inflationary pressures, spread the contribution burden over a longer period of time and would be accepted by all but the most miserly as commonsense.

    In the wake of the biggest floods in history we have pettiness. Penny pinching positions being put by all and sundry. Where were the arguments against numerous other levees which were introduced by the conservative side of politics: the sugar levy, the milk levy, the gun levy not to speak of numerous other transfer payments made under a different guise to vested interest over the years? No whinging and moaning there!

    My friends, you really need to take a good hard long look at yourselves. Put yourself in the position of those who have lost all that they have(they call this empathy) and ask yourself the question, what is my motive in opposing a levy that will assist my fellow Australians? When and if you do, and do so with honesty in mind, you can do nothing but come up with the conclusion that you have a political agenda. Therefore, just as is the case with Murdoch, why should anyone take one iota of notice of what you are saying.
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