dont say you werent warned

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    After hiding under a rock (so as not to draw pre-election attention
    to Howard's serial child abuse gulag) the Liberal Party's cadaverous
    Minister for Inhumanity and Injustice (Phillip Ruddock) has
    slithered forth to announce that, if re-elected, the brutal
    Neo-Nazi Howard child-caging regime wants to do to
    white teenage terror suspects what it now does to
    homeless and unwanted non-white kids.

    Don't say you weren't warned!

    If you vote Liberal, Ruddock will give himself (while a supine
    Parliament dozes) vastly extended powers of imprisonment
    (for as long as His Majesty pleases) of anyone Ruddock
    labels a 'terror suspect' - for serial interrogation without
    benefit of judge, jury, defence lawyer or
    specific sentence length - and anyone
    who reveals what's going is will be
    labelled a 'terror suspect' too!

    Ruddock has given the game away!

    If you're silly or selfish enough to believe that the Howard
    regime would never, ever do such an unspeakable
    thing to your teenage son or daughter - remember
    Dr Haneef who was arrested and caged by the
    Liberal Party's second most cadeverous
    Minister for Inhumanity and Injustice
    Kevin Andrews AFTER Haneef
    had been let out of prison for
    lack of evidence of terror

    A quick stroke of the Ministerial pen
    and the judicial system was put
    to the sword and the medieval
    Divine Right of Kings was
    restored to its rightful
    place in history!

    BTW: Guess who supports Rudd and Andrews
    every step of the way into the 'final solution'
    to the unapproved humans problem:

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