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don't they say that the shares lead the metal?, page-16

  1. 3,107 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Grov the following was typed prior to your last post, I suggest you do more research on the human condition....

    ADW, thank you for you have nicely articulated something that many seem to have lost grasp of (frighteningly)....

    Humanity has since Adam and Eve first got kicked out of Eden (or whatever other metaphor you prefer) understood the very dark side of humanity and the subsequent need to have LAWS to counter this dark side, this is a foundation of civilisation (along with real money). I believe that anybody professing to philosophise cannot possibly not understand this. Here we have individuals trying to make out that everything that has happened over the last couple of years was just 'trying to do the right thing' gone wrong....

    Well, if that is the case, why did these 'do the right thingers' spend years dismantling the LAWS that were put in place to hinder their actions, LAWS that were put in place last time the 'do the right thingers' had their field day (Glass Steagle etc)???

    Yes, whether you want to accept it or not there is a dark side to humanity, DYOR, eminent medical experts comfortably state that pyschopaths comprise 5% of the up on it, I'm not making it up (and for the lazy, pyschopaths are not just serial killers.....they are the failed pyschopaths only).....anyway I made my point!!

    LAWS are there and have always been there for a reason.....because we know that no matter how wonderful a civilisation we attempt to build there will always be amongst us those that, without conscience, will get their jollies purely from enriching themselves WHATEVER IT TAKES.

    And for the hell of it.....acknowledgement of the dark side does not a misanthropist make, however denial of the darkside does a member/pawn/apologist for the dark side make........and the bad news there is you always lose.........eventually.
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