STI 0.00% 0.2¢ stirling products limited

don't understand todays actions, page-27

  1. 4,409 Posts.
    Sput I do not have an issue with some saying that some maybe taking profits from the .004 purchases as there probably is some of that happening.

    However everytime that subject is brought up its mentioned that "until they are all gone we can expect" or similar wording not just by Cowden.

    But as I have stated not all will sell out, thus it is an unnecessary fear producing statement. Included in the statement was "sacrificial buyers" and defamation statements of Boonen.

    I do not claim he is an angel, however he has been working hard at turning this ship around.

    I do not see that the person we are refering too has shown eveidence of these "millions" being dumped due to the .004 issue.

    As you say evidence are you on the inside (answer no) is he??

    I do not mind negative bias, but hey at least paint the whole picture.
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