Speaking of flying dreams and vagueness. A long, long time ago,...

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    Speaking of flying dreams and vagueness. A long, long time ago, in another version of Australia, I was a little boy growing up on a dairy farm. Today all those farms are gone, the beautiful river that ran through our lives is no more than a line of stagnant pools of mud and our farm was broken up into hobby farms for hippy's and tax avoidance.

    Anyway, I used to dream of flying almost every night. It is still the most indelibly impressed memory of my childhood. An Indian in full regalia, headdress, tasselled leather clothes all white, skin, feathers, clothes, would take me by the wrist and lift me out of our farm house and we would fly. He never let go my wrist because I could never fly on my own.

    I was so amazed, once I overcame the fear of being airborne, to look down at our home from up above. I could see our animals, our working dogs, our cat sneaking about and the tops of trees. I used to put myself to bed early just to sleep and have that dream again. We had no electricity in those days so the house got dark early.

    In photos of me as a kid I'm often dressed in an Indian costume with a feathered headdress riding my horse. I was Indian mad, which is strange considering this was before TV and we lived very isolated. I even had an American Indian girlfriend in my early 20s. Her father came to Australia to promote Roller Derby, back in the day with a troupe from American skaters. She was a beautiful girl, black eyes and olive skinned who died at 20 of asthma a couple of hours after the last time I saw her.

    So flying, yes, I still fly in my dreams. I've been to amazing places. Sometimes my dreams are so real with regards to flying that there is a residual effect that even comes into my waking hours.

    Now vagueness, I like to call it uncertainty. Uncertainty is one of the most essential requirements in life. It keeps you honest. It is the foundation of respect for others. If you believe you are absolutely right, if you are certain, then there is no room for the beliefs, opinions and point of view of others.

    When on a religious or scientific quest, the moment you gain absolute certainty you can be certain you have failed. Religions that claim accurate knowledge should be avoided at all cost. Open-mindedness is a rare as rocking horse sh.t.

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