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douala in the melee of the bond

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    Hi all,

    Got more infos on Cameroon bonds subscription for the structural projects (Pangar Lom Dam and Deepwater port of Kribi, in particular).

    For new posters, I also include from previous threads, some infos on Deepwater Port Kribi, Cameroon structural projects, and more importantly the CEMAC 2025, which aims for an integrated and emergent regional economy (Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of Congo for our interest here in relation to SDL).

    The vision is to "make the CEMAC in 2025 an integrated economic space emerging property where taking a stand in security, solidarity and good governance, human development".

    Douala in the melee of the bond
    Written by Cameroon Tribune
    Thursday, December 9, 2010 6:38
    (french translation)

    The Minfi, Essimi Menye, came Tuesday night, mobilizing potential subscribers around the operation to finance large infrastructure projects.

    At your subscriptions! It's almost the slogan that the Minister of Finance, the banking consortium in place and the director of the Economy have so underlying evolved during the roundtable on Tuesday night in a hotel in the economic capital. There, several CEOs of companies, private sector actors, bankers, businessmen, listened to the "demands" on the bond (5.60% net ECMR 2010-2015) of 200 billion CFA francs issued by the State. And beyond a simple charm, the Minfi has invited to a massive subscription to this loan which inaugurates the new government strategy for financing major development projects.

    For Essimi Menye, the reasons to join this operation are rather interesting, since Cameroon offers guarantees interesting: "Cameroon is a stable country, the macroeconomic performance and medium term prospects are interesting. Cameroon has undertaken a major effort to reduce its arrears, public debt is sustainable ... ", said Minfi. The prospects of the Cameroonian economy are dependent on the implementation of major structural projects that require the use of public savings to finance the share of the state. We can cite among others, construction of access road to the dam Memve'ele, the dam reservoir of Lom-Pangar the proposed drinking water supply of Douala, the gas plant and deepwater port Kribi, building a second bridge over the Wouri, the "Ring Road" in the Northwest, the construction of 3,200 km of optical fiber, the Ayos-Bonis, etc..

    Maymat Alexander, CEO of the SGBC, representing the consortium of banks that provide investment services (SGBC, Afriland First Bank, Citibank Cameroon, accompanied by the co-arrangers CBS UBA) goes into technical detail:
    "This seems arrive at the right time, because the level of Cameroon's debt is sustainable, development prospects are better. The transaction is 200 billion CFA francs divided into 20 million of treasury bonds at a price of 10,000 CFA francs each. The interest rate coupon of 5.60% per annum and the minimum subscription is 30 obligations.

    "Clearly, for purchase, must be: at least 300,000 CFA francs for each investor (investor) moral or physical, whether Cameroonians residing in CEMAC zone, have a bank account (checking account or savings account). According to Minfi, a minimum of 30 bonds is required to avoid red in operations. These will be made through the banking network, licensed banks and selling investment services. The interest rate is 5.6% per year during the five years
    of the bond. The first operation that began on December 6 ends on 15 December. According to corroborating sources, things would already in a good way to wrap the 200 billion CFA francs at that time. This means that time is short.

    At your subscription now!


    Cameroon is seeking 305 million euros (200 billion FCFA) to the market in Central Africa
    (french translation)

    LIBREVILLE, 9 Dec 2010 (AFP)

    The government of Cameroon has launched a bond issue to raise up to 23 December in Central Africa 200 billion FCFA (about 305 million euros) for projects Development, announced Thursday in Libreville his finance minister. "Money is a commodity, and we have decided to buy it. We will buy the 200 billion CFA francs to 5.6% "per year, net interest rate of this "bond issue through a public offering" covering the period 2010-2015, the minister said Essimi Menye at a press conference attended by the Gabonese Minister of Budget, Mr. Blaise Louembe. According to Menye, the issuance of treasury bonds (20 million shares issued 30 bonds to subscribe at least) was authorized by a law adopted in December 2009 for the 2010 budget of the State. It applies to "persons natural and legal resident and nonresident of the CEMAC, "Economic and Monetary Community of Africa Central (6 countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Chad). The interest earned by bonds are exempt from tax.Le amount sought is intended "to finance the share Cameroon major priority development projects ", including the construction of hydroelectric dam Lom-Pangar (East Cameroon), a work which should "store each year 7 billion cubic meters" water, "said Minister Menye. The money should also be used for the moving of the Chad-Cameroon pipeline over a length of 25 km because it is now in the grip of the dam," he added. This pipeline, 1,070 kilometers long in total, connects the oil fields of Doba in the south-western Chad, marine terminal at Kribi (south-west Cameroon). The 200 billion will be used also for the construction of the deepwater port of Kribi, another Memve'ele dam on the river Ntem (South), as well as road and agricultural projects, including rice basins. The loan was launched on 6 December and remains open until December 23, eight days beyond the original deadline has indicated Alamine Ousmane Mey, Director General of Afriland First Bank (AFB, Cameroon), member of the consortium banks supporting the operation. "Today, we cumulate subscriptions to a $ 123 billion FCFA francs (more than 187.5 million euros), said Maymat Alexander, CEO of Societe Generale Banks in Cameroon (SGBC, a subsidiary of French group Societe Generale), another member of the consortium with Citibank Cameroon (the U.S. group Citibank).

    CEMAC 2025: Towards an integrated and emergent regional economy.
    Regional Economic Program 2010-2015 (Final Report)

    click here to view an
    extract of CEMAC 2025 report

    I guess we could see the CEMAC similar to the Euro zone..

    CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa) is a regional organization. It was Founded in 1993 to
    replace the former Customs and Economic Union of Central Africa (UDEAC) of 1964. The organization is based in
    Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic.

    Six Countries in Western Central Africa are members of CEMAC: Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Central African
    Republic, Chad, and Equatorial Guinea. More than 35 million people live in the CEMAC member states. CEMAC is part of the CFA Zone, where all of the member states are Francophone countries,with the exception of Equatorial
    Guinea, where the state is spoken Spanish. The CEMAC region is rich in mineral resources, with oil and gas
    exports accounting for 80 per Almost one hundred of the region's exports.

    The Vision 2025 of the CEMAC:
    The Regional Economic Programme (PER) is the response of the CEMAC, to put countries out of the pack of the poors
    and moving towards the economic emergence.

    The vision is to "make the CEMAC in 2025 an integrated economic space emerging property where taking a stand in
    security, solidarity and good governance, human development".

    This goal necessitates the emergence of a break in growth dynamics of the CEMAC. On the last two decades, this
    growth has averaged 4.8% per year. The emergence in 2025 requires doubling the dynamic over the next fifteen years. GDP per capita of the CEMAC then represent over 3 times the current level and the poverty rate will be halved. To achieve this, the CEMAC must initiate a profound change, a non-diversified economy with low value added to a diversified economy with high value added. Relying on a walk today fragile (raw) tomorrow it will rely on three strong pillars: Energy and Agriculture, Forest Economy, and finally Mining and Metallurgy. This successful diversification will change the competitive position of the CEMAC: its Business radiate over a large regional market of 260 million inhabitants and covering ECCAS Nigeria, by exporting electricity (to Nigeria and West Africa), synthetic fertilizers (Petrochemicals), refined petroleum products, LPG gas, various metal products, particularly for construction, and processed tropical products (fruit juices, fruit and vegetables, aquatic products, meat, wooden furniture ... NWFP). Moreover, the CEMAC will position itself in the eyes of international investors, as a competitive platform for export to Europe and the Middle East, including Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), metal products (aluminum, reduced iron, steel and
    alloys including ferro-manganese) and tropical agricultural products (rubber - oil palm, cacao, coffee, forest products.

    Target markets of the CEMAC in 2025: Europe with 260 million people.

    The PER (Regional Economic Program) 2025 enable the redesign of the planning of CEMAC, with the emergence of six major regional economic centers:

    1) The industrial center "of refined petroleum products", with the regional refining unit, a pole industrial filling of LPG cylinders and gas industry, and the creation of SMEs in a variety of related activities.

    2) The LNG and Petrochemical Pole, with the LNG plants, the manufacture of synthetic fertilizers like NPK (urea,
    fertilizers ...) and a host of related activities.

    3) The aluminum pole, with the exploitation of bauxite in the ADAMAOUA, a major port houses a plant's aluminum
    production in the world), downstream, producing an industrial platform various building materials and coatings, particularly for regional construction (tanks and aluminum profiles, frames, coatings ...).

    4) The Steel Pole - Ferro-alloys, with one to two steel mills producing reduced iron ore (DRI), steel and iron
    alloys and downstream SMEs manufacturing a variety of materials particularly for metal building construction
    markets and infrastructure (concrete reinforcement, fittings, galvanized products, agricultural equipment, ...).

    5) The regional center Agribusiness savannahs, agricultural activities cover the areas north Cameroon, RCA and the Chad. The support of a technology park will have a dedicated accelerator process intensification of farming and exploitation of ruminants with the erection of a platform logging and recovery of meat and byproducts. One component of the science park will be devoted to the development of coarse grains, pulses, reviving the cotton
    sector, the production and export of products gardeners such as onions, potatoes ....

    6) The Pole "Products of inland fisheries" located in Bangui is a regional platform processing, collecting and
    trade in fisheries and inland aquaculture, set out on the River Congo - Oubangui. This center will benefit from
    the availability of river transport to consolidate fishery products from different processing centers backed by
    the piers and will reach a wide market covering a significant part of the DRC Angola and the markets of northern Chad Cameroon and Nigeria.

    This center will be located in a broad platform including a river port laid out, a dry port and market of regional interest, with the vocation of trade in agricultural products, meat and products fishing. Bangui is a logistics platform for the most economical supply of large markets of the DRC and Angola. It will be connected by river to Brazzaville and ports Cameroon by rail and road.

    Special Economic Zones (Z.E.S.)

    1) A forerunner of business environment favorable to investment:
    The ZES is being developed to facilitate the establishment of enterprises by providing them with landscaped areas
    with transport infrastructure (roads, railways ...), access to inputs such as electricity, water, fluids
    industrial (steam, compressed air ...) logistics services and telecommunications.
    But there is also incentives such as administration of the area helping companies solve their problems and
    representation before the authorities, ATM facilities and facilitating the creation of companies, an attractive
    tax regime, the availability of labor, the ability to repatriate profits, access to regional markets.

    2) A role for accelerating regional integration:
    The status of Special Economic Zone (ZES) in the framework of CEMAC PER concern specifically the six major clusters economic with regional vocation. The ZES will attract each pole in a major fabric companies. It will be a powerful support of regional integration, by ensuring access to markets of countries in the region for business clusters. The companies can freely employ a workforce of originating all CEMAC countries, without discrimination.
    Special Economic Zone is generally near the resources it promotes. It can be located inside the territory of a
    country (eg erection of a special economic zone dedicated to the processing of aluminum around the port of Kribi). It may be in a geographic area borders two or more countries. As ZES border, we can
    include the proposed road metal pole in the area (Mbalam - Belinga) to gather the resources of iron Gabon,
    Cameroon and Congo.

    The second pole is the pole steel building around the iron mining zone border between Cameroon, Gabon and Congo,
    home to the important Belinga iron deposits in Gabon (1 million tonnes of high grade iron: 67%) Mbalam in Cameroon with deposits of around 2.4 million tonnes but content varies.

    Two separate projects of exploitation of these ore deposits exist in Gabon and Cameroon each provide heavy
    investment in transport infrastructure.

    However, sticking to the vision of a "Green Gabon" whose ambition is to make Gabon, in 2015, the first destination for tourism related to the African rainforest, and a model for national parks of the twenty-first century, the project operating Belinga iron will not be in its present form with the operation Mine, the construction of a deepwater port at Santa Clara and a dam large Hydroelectric Poubara, track construction of railway to connect Belinga to Boou Ntoum and the periphery of the future port of Santa Clara in north Libreville.

    Indeed, the Belinga site happens to be in an ecological zone and the realization of current project could destroy
    the forest ecosystem and inevitably go against the vision of this country. This implies a PER for the redevelopment of existing projects. The regional hub of steel that will emerge will be limited around border region between Cameroon and Gabon as a focal point with the site Mbalam. The specific infrastructure projects planned in the framework of this cluster Steel border are essentially (i) the development of sea port deep Kribi, the construction of a railway line between Mbalam and Kribi Ramp connects to other production sites to Mbalam.

    Regarding project Belinga, the dam of Grand Poubara will to power as sites production of manganese metal and silico-manganese in Moanda (project Eramet). For the moment, there is no formal plan for the recovery of iron ore place. Existing projects are oriented towards the export of raw ore. Yet CEMAC region have very important assets
    for the emergence of clusters metalworking exploiting the iron ore. It is also rich metals (manganese, nickel,
    cobalt ....) which, combined with iron can produce iron alloys. But this requires technological mastery which
    must planning mastery thanks to partnerships with steel groups need to attract and create the conditions for
    investment within relocations.

    The use of hydroelectric power provided under the PER and production electricity from gas will have a very
    competitive cost electricity and sustainable. The interconnection of electricity networks will provide the energy necessary for metallurgical processing sites and bring electricity in Other principal mining sites.

    Besides the availability of energy, the CEMAC is close to major markets such as European Union with which it
    negotiates an economic partnership agreement in the framework of ECCAS. The issue of market access is therefore an essential competitiveness.

    2.5.3 Becoming a major ferro-alloys
    Today, three countries, Cameroon, Gabon and Congo, have resources iron ore. There were two projects major resource extraction of iron Gabon and Cameroon.

    In Gabon, it is envisaged to run the hydroelectric dam at Grand Poubara ensure a power of 160 MW and a 280 MW
    second phase to cover needs of a steelworks carried by Eramet Manganese (COMILOG). The Gabon, by the Ogooue
    Mining Company (COMILOG), a subsidiary of French group Eramet, now produces about 3 million tonnes of manganese
    per year transported to the port of Owendo south of Libreville by the railway Transgabon. Gabon's reserves are
    the second largest producer of manganese for the steel industry. Eramet has plans to build a metallurgical
    complex in Moanda, including a plant silico-manganese a annual capacity of 65 000 tonnes and a manganese metal
    plant of 20 000 tonnes year. The implementation of the project requires the construction of the hydroelectric
    Grand Poubara and strengthening the power grid connecting the dam metallurgical complex.

    In Cameroon, the exploitation of iron Mbalam which individual deposits are estimated 2.4 billion tonnes of ore a significant low-ore, is under concession for the benefit of the Australian mining company Sundance Resources. The project involves construction of a railway linking Mining Mbalam port of Kribi and the development of a port ore in the port for the export of ore.

    There is, however, that the logical operating across national supersede the following characteristics: a logging concession in each country comprising establishment of infrastructure for the delivery and export of ore, separate projects of infrastructure in each country to evacuate the iron ore to the two ports in each project countries, despite the location of the ore in the same border area adjacent to both countries and focusing on the export of raw ore project without recovery site.

    A true regional strategy is possible with the pooling of infrastructure of iron mining and the construction of a
    regional steel industry. The pooling of railway projects and development of mineral ore ports to iron mining
    would reduce investment costs and logistics costs export ore. These savings will give States a bargaining more
    important towards candidates for logging concessions. The aim would then erected around the steel industry with a
    regional transforming part of iron ore, steel and other ferro-alloys, manganese Gabon, nickel and cobalt Lomi in
    Cameroon, an industrial friendly gradually SME specialized in the production of many materials construction for
    the construction, industry ...

    Local processing of ores for ferro-alloys should be encouraged, particularly needs to capture significant market MGB regional turmoil. The rich Gabon and Cameroon in iron and manganese opens the way for the development of
    production industry ferromanganese alloy primary steel industry.
    The strategic objective of CEMAC is to position ourselves long term in major producer alloy base for the European
    market and produce downstream products for the regional market of construction: rails, concrete iron, gas cylinders ...

    To achieve this objective, the development of metallurgical industries will be through the establishment of a regional cluster of steel that be positioned near the major production of iron ore.
    Export-oriented, the center will consolidate the activities upstream and downstream of the die Metallurgy and attract a multitude of actors and companies. The pole can take as a Special Economic Zone providing benefits in
    terms of taxation and rights holder and administrative facilities. The ultimate ambition is to build a competitive regional cluster around the core business or activities of cluster heads.

    Eventually, the cluster of steel "Ferroalloys" will configuration activities said heads of cluster brings
    together companies exporters: ironworks production of steel and iron alloys, SMEs producing and exporting in
    particular regional markets, a variety of materials based on iron and iron alloys in particular building
    materials metal for construction of regional markets. These activities will induce a significant amount of
    support issued by companies: upstream: Operating iron ore, service companies vocational, Interim, electricity
    supply, business outsourcing, business services (Accounting, housing, hotels, restaurants ...) The erection logistics services ... such a cluster requires a basic nfrastructure including: the development and equipment siting of the pole (servicing, external works, electrification, infrastructure and ICT services, financial services such as banking & insurance, postal services, health services, developing a business framework
    specifically adapted to the reality a cluster (including regulatory and tax matters customs, access to market and

    A strong authority, institution with a legitimacy to the highest level (Heads of State) will administer the pole,
    as an interface between businesses and state governments to ensure respect for their rights but also their
    duties, to ensure the quality and Compliance services delivered (customs, taxation ...) the pole, acting as
    interface related services (customs, taxation, control services ...). The authority will act very important
    animation division, representation and management of partnerships, promotion to attract investment.
    Investment promotion requires the establishment of links with the visibility mining and metallurgical operators,
    promotion of skilled pole, a device competitive intelligence with surveillance criteria of competitiveness in the collection, inventory management needs and the adequacy of programs and products training device ...

    Portfolio of Cameroon major/structurant Projects

    (Source GICAM, Douala 16/12/2009)

    - Project Limbe Cement (AFKO)
    - Project operating diamond Mobilong (Korea C&C Mining, Koko Enterprise)
    - Project Cobalt-Nickel-Manganese of Nkamouna (Geovic Mining)
    - Project Oil Yard at Limbe (Cameroon)
    - Extension Project of the Edea smelter (Rio Tinto Alcan)
    - Proposed hydroelectric Lom Pangar (Cameroon)
    - Project operating iron ore Mbalam (Sundance Resources)
    - Proposed deepwater port of Kribi (Cameroon & Private Partners)
    - Thermal Power Project Kribi gas (AES Corp.)
    - Project expansion and modernisation of the oil refinery in Limbe (Total)
    - The proposed construction of a plant to liquefy natural gas at Kribi (GDF Suez)
    - Construction Project 2nd Bridge Wouri in Douala (Cameroon)
    - Project of Deepwater port of Limbe (Cameroon & Private Partners)
    - Construction of the Yaounde-Douala highway (Cameroon & Private Partners)

    Following is the list of Cameroon Projects in or close to the execution phase, with estimated financial closing in 2010/2011 (Source GICAM, Douala 16/12/2009):

    The financial closing means those projects are about to start construction soon after this period. It also give indication that investments will start flowing in Cameroon Economy from that period (2010/2011).

    1. Project Cobalt-Nickel-Manganese of Nkamouna (Geovic Mining)
    2. Draft Oil Yard Limbe (Cameroon)
    3. Extension Project of the Edea smelter (Rio Tinto Alcan)
    4. Proposed hydroelectric Lom Pangar (Cameroon)
    5. Project operating iron ore Mbalam (Sundance Resources)
    6. Proposed deepwater port of Kribi (Cameroon & Private Partners)
    7. Thermal Power Project Kribi gas (AES Corp.)
    8. Project expansion and modernisation of the oil refinery in Limbe (Total)
    9. The proposed construction of a plant to liquefy natural gas at Kribi (GDF Suez)
    10.Construction Project 2nd Bridge Wouri in Douala (Cameroon)

    Confirm the launch of major projects in 2010 as announced by Cameroon Gov.
    And Mbalam is one of their strategic projects.

    Expected launch in 2010 of major projects (SUMMARY) -
    (Xinhuanet 15/01/2010) - (translated from French)

    YAOUNDE - In the Strategy Paper for Growth and Jobs (DSCE) adopted in late 2009, authorities in Cameroon intend to enroll their country among the emerging nations by 2035, thanks to major projects that will start soon 2010 in the sectors of energy, transportation, mining, roads.

    Energy: increase production capacity to 3,000 MW
    In light of DSCE, Cameroon has a hydroelectric potential estimated at 12,000 MW per year, more than 10 times the potential exploited. Less than 40% of the population have access to electricity, a rate of 10% located in rural areas. 3000 villages are electrified at 17,104. The projects aim to achieve to bring production capacity to 3,000 MW by 2020.

    The development plan of the electricity sector in 2030 includes the construction of hydroelectric Nachtigal (330 MW), Song Mbenga (950 MW) of Memve'ele (120-201 MW) of Kikot ( 350-550 MW) of Njock (270 MW) of Ngodi (475 MW), Song Ndong (250-300 MW) of Nyanzom (375 MW) of Bayomen (470 MW) of Mouila-Mogu (350 MW) of Bagangt (90 MW) of Warak (50 MW), of Komen (12 MW).

    In these projects, there are also sites with potential to export energy to the Sosua-regional scale (Chad, Central African Republic) and Regional (Nigeria): Cholet (400 MW), Large Eweng (386 MW) Petit Eweng (230 MW), Wouri-Nun (1200 MW), Mandourou (67 MW), Mbinjal (66 MW), Lancrenon (34 MW), Vogzom (33 MW), munaya (200 MW), Kpaf (300 MW ) and Mentchum (15-35 MW).

    Roads: More than 3500 kilometers of main bitumen
    Of more than 50,000 kilometers (with a rate of 48% in poor condition or bad) of National Highway, only 10% are asphalt. In its sectoral strategy, the Cameroonian government has set a goal to move from 0.27 to 0.34 the number of miles of paved roads per 1,000 inhabitants.

    Over 3,500 km of earth roads will be paved in 2020 and some 2000 kilometers of asphalt areas already degraded but are expected to be rehabilitated.

    Overall, the Blueprint and the road sector strategy will be concerned to increase the fraction of tarred road network by 10% to 17% within the next 10 years.

    Railways: more than 1000 kilometers of track to accommodate
    For over three decades, there is only one railway, which crosses the transcameroonian some parts of the country for a distance of less than 1200 kilometers. Within 10 to come, the density of the rail network will increase from 0.06 kilometers to 0.10 kilometers per 1,000 inhabitants.

    This objective will be achieved by the development of another thousand miles of track, "according to international standards (..) to, firstly, to complete economic integration of northern and southern countries and, secondly, to open up the neighbors do not have access to the sea. "

    Are planned lines Kribi-Ebolowa-Mbalam, Limbe-Douala-Edea-Kribi, Ngaoundere-Garoua-Maroua-Kousseri, Edea-Yaounde-Ngaoundal, Belabo-Bangui-Douala Boou Belinga-and-Minim-Martap Ngaoundal.

    Transport: two flagship projects of deep water ports
    Long announced the construction of two deep water ports respectively in the cities of Kribi (south) and Limbe (South West) represents a major development projects in Cameroon will generate growth.

    With more size, the future port of Kribi will be characterized by terminals for the transport of aluminum, oil and container. The infrastructure will also include an iron jetty.

    Outside the port, Limbe already focusing its attention on the ongoing construction of an oil yard, reflecting "the ambition of Cameroon to provide countries bordering the Gulf of Guinea and in particular petroleum operators involved in a construction zone Naval modern and competitive. "

    In Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon, announced he is dredging the access channel to the river port for deeper within 8 yards to make it accessible to vessels of medium size.

    Mining: Industrial Age
    The modern mining industry is to develop, as the Strategy Paper for Growth and Jobs, exploration, exploitation and processing of deposits of cobalt and nickel manganese near Lomi estimated at 54 million tonnes of ore on 5% and iron M'balam around e 2.5 billion of iron and 40% of Kribi estimated at 350 million tonnes at 35%.

    Are added, deposits of bauxite and Ngaoundal Minim-Martap estimated at over 1 billion tonnes at 43% of rutile Akonolinga with geological reserves of around 300 million tonnes at 0.9% and diamond of Mobilong with reserves estimated at more than 700 million carats, etc..

    Through these projects, the Cameroonian government seeks to achieve economic growth of 5.5% against 3% now.

    Deepwater port of Kribi

    Description of the proposed port of Kribi (Article date: 2009)

    The project site is located at Grand Batanga about 10 km south of Kribi. The proposed deep water port of Kribi include in its initial development phase in medium hypothesis:

    The creation of basic port infrastructure with:
    - 2,800 meters of the dike to protect the south and west of the port;
    - 11 million m3 of dredging up to the dock port and access channel. The access channel will be dredged to -17 feet side to allow access for ships ore to iron trafficking of 100,000 dwt and access of large container ships.

    The creation of the following terminals:
    -Container terminal with 700 m of quay, 15 m draft and 29 acres of medians in 2012;
    -Terminal-iron with 300 m of quay, 16.5 m draft and 12 acres of medians from 2010;
    -Oil terminal with a quay of 200 m long and a storage terminal on an area of 7 hectares in 2012;
    -Terminal-aluminum dock 200 m long, 12 m draft and 10 acres of medians in 2015.

    The creation of a regional coastal shipping terminal, a bonded area and an area for installing a naval base on an area of 2.5 hectares;

    All roads, buildings and other networks and port terminals.

    The private partners shortlisted:

    For the financing and construction of basic infrastructure (dam protection, docks, dredging and fill);
    Boskalis International and
    Vinci Grands Projets / SOGEA / SATOM

    --> French group: "VINCI, world leader in concessions, construction and related services"
    Profile: 130,000 employees, 100,000 projects a year over 80 countries, 17 billion Euro net sales 2009
    Listed on the Cac40 (French) and EuroNext 100, DJ Stoxx stock exchange

    --> Netherlands Group: Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. is an international top player in hydraulic engineering, a leading global services provider operating in the dredging, maritime infrastructure and maritime services sectors. Provide solutions to infrastructural challenges in the maritime, coastal and delta regions of the world including the construction and maintenance of ports and waterways, land reclamation, coastal defense and riverbank protection.
    Profile: fleet of over 300 units and operates in over 50 countries across five continents. Including its share in partnerships, Boskalis has approximately 10,000 employees.
    Listed on the Amsterdam stock exchange - now NYSE Euronext Amsterdam
    Royal Boskalis Westminster - click here

    For the financing, construction and operation of container terminal;

    For the financing, construction and operation of Terminal aluminum;

    For the financing, construction and operation of the Oil terminal;

    For the financing, construction and operation of the iron jetty

    click here to view a Presentation of deepwater port of kribi

    Presentation of project's deepwater port of Kribi and the associated occupations at a port

    Paper prepared and presented by Mr. Modeste AKOO, engineer surveyor and port, the Congress of the Association for the Development Department of the Ocean (ADDO) in Kribi on 19/02/2010.

    - Encourage vocations to the port and maritime trades
    - Inform businessmen on business opportunities that can provide the construction and operation of the deepwater port of Kribi
    - Building now a methodical reaction that would prevent one's exclusion from a project in which we must be actors.

    - One of the major levers of impact that we are legitimately entitled to expect is training in various trades that will build the port of Kribi this for at least three reasons:
    - Increasing complexity of the port industry (sophistication of equipment, automation, high-performance handling)
    - Continuing need to adapt the port workers
    - Avoid marginalization of contractors domiciled in the region where the Project and the local economy
    - Actions contributing to the training and learning must be taken in time (socio-cultural specificity of vector control in the business technology intensive)

    Why a port in Kribi?
    - Result of a strategic vision developed by the Government's Sustainable Economic Development (reshaping of economic growth based on the development of our resources in the basement)
    - Combination of favorable conditions for establishment of a seaport in Kribi deep water (availability of sufficient depth,) and a pool-backed industrial port (hydroelectric
    potential (clean energy))
    - The unknown factors including attractiveness of future industrial-complex potruaire, will the availability and quality of human resources (we shall return)

    Forecasting the configuration of Deepwater Kribi
    The traffics (about 50Millons tonnes)
    - Traffic flows generated by the iron industry
    - Traffic flows generated by the aluminum industry
    - Traffic flows generated by the activities of logistics and marketing of hydrocarbon products (*)
    - trades not compatible with those already identified
    - Traffic of Bauxite and alumina
    - Traffic gas products

    The terminals
    - Every trade has identified a critical volume that allows for a specialized infrastructure (platforms) and operating procedures of treatment and resource exploitation

    We distinguish accordingly the following terminals:
    - Terminal Aluminum
    - Terminal Iron
    - Container Terminal
    - Oil terminal
    - Terminal versatile
    - LNG Terminal
    - Terminal Alumina

    Main constructions
    - Rade and password
    - Access channel
    - Turning circle
    - Protection dikes
    - Linear platform
    - Primary Network (rail service, land, electricity, water, electricity, sanitation)

    Occupations at a port
    - Construction Phase (upstream)
    - Economists port planners, statisticians, forecasters
    - The port and industrial developers
    - The engineering technologist port mechanization
    - The geotechnical (land and sea)
    - Hydrologists and hydro-technical
    - Climatologists and Sedimentologists
    - The surveyors, surveyors
    - The civil engineers port
    - Environmentalists
    - Security experts and safety / risk analysts and industrial port
    - Former captains SC
    - Lawyers / finance / accounting major port
    - Logisticians
    - etc..

    Occupations at a port during production phase
    Four (6) groups of providers of public services or private:
    1. Maritime Occupations
    - Shipowners (tramp, LMR, cabotage)
    - NVOCC (non vessel operating common carrier)

    2. Home-sea (ship's home port)
    - Consignee (technical management of the call and representation)
    - Boarding Clerk
    - Agents documentation (import and export)
    - Operator input manifests
    - Custom and shipping clerk
    - Summary of call
    - Import manifest
    - Booking clerk
    - Operations Manager (tracking stevedores)
    * Support the movement of the ship
    * Driver (support the movement of the vessel)
    * Docking (docking operations / fight against pollution / logistics on the water)
    * Tug

    3. Maintain operational quality of the ship
    - Business bunkering and refueling (ship chandlers)
    - Repair Ships

    4. Police navigation and interview potential host port facilities
    - Port Captaincy
    - Dredging
    - Maintenanciers facilities and new construction

    4. Passage of goods through the interface NEWFOUNDLAND PORT-MER
    - Port Handler / stevedoring (Dockers, portiqueurs, machine operators, stevedores, pointers, warehousemen, ship-planners etc..)
    - Inland carrier
    - Freight / DAC (reporting for duty, coreurs, Strippers, applicants)
    - Forwarding Transportation
    - Shipping agents

    5. Home-land
    - Consolidators / deconsolidator of goods
    - Freight
    - Operators of inland transport terminals (stations)
    - Delivery Drivers / Remover

    6. Other occupations at port
    - Surveyors and Commissioners damage
    - Underwriters

    Proposals for ADDO
    - Together build an appropriate response vis--vis the employment opportunities we have identified, this specific proposals:
    - Creating and defending a dynamic dialogue between all stakeholders to issues of training and employment in the transport sector and ports in particular (young, entrepreneurs, parents, authorities, vocational training schools)
    - The reorientation of existing training profiles to fit the needs of new employment opportunities set out in the explanatory
    - Massive training trainers who will be involved trades port subsequently to the research & development. The last contribution of retired executives is desirable.
    - Propose the establishment of a training school trades sea level sub-regional partnership with the countries traditions and maritime carriers port development and innovation.
    - Encourage the creation of management structures and recruitment of temporary labor. Specifications will be submitted to these companies to monitor this activity and prevent abuse.

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