Two blonde girls bought an old house and started renovating...

  1. 243 Posts.
    Two blonde girls bought an old house and started renovating it.
    One Saturday arvo, whilst having a cool drink on the verandah,
    one of the girls was watching her friend nail some weatherboards on to the wall of the house and noticed that she was throwing away a large number of the nails.
    A bit concerned about cost overuns, she approached her friend about the discarded nails.
    The blonde with the nailbag around her waist explained that
    quite often she would take another nail out of the bag, only to find to her absolute dismay that the head was on the wrong end of the nail!! So these ones she discarded as they were obviously of no use to her.
    Her blonde friend from the verandah was flabbergasted at her partners stupidity, and said to her "You bloody idiot, don't you know that all those nails you are throwing away are for the other side of the house!"
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