"Bloody hypocrites, sooks and liars the lot of you."Yeah yeah...

  1. 7,747 Posts.
    "Bloody hypocrites, sooks and liars the lot of you."

    Yeah yeah look jones said it as the truth IMO because he also said this

    "''No, no look, hang on, this is where we are weak. This is where we are weak,'' Jones said. ''Can you believe that they have gone, the federal party, because they've been brainwashed by the media to 'oh back off, she's a woman, go easy'.''

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/alan-jones-claims-gillards-dad-died-of-shame-20120930-26sy0.html#ixzz293pY8DPo

    The Comendian said it as a JOKE. You do know what a joke is?

    Is this the one?

    We'd like to share with you a bit of good-hearted political humour. For our non-Australian visitors, Julia Gillard is the current Prime Minister of Australia and Tony Abbott is the Opposition Leader. GST is a tax added much to the confusion of the public and politicians alike.
    Let Sleeping Politicians Lie
    Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are sitting next to each other on a flight from Sydney to Canberra. Tony leans over to Julia and asks if she would like to play a fun game. Julia just wants to take a nap, so she politely declines and turns towards the window to catch a few winks.

    $5 and $50 Australian Note
    Tony persists and says that the game is really easy and a lot of fun. He explains, "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me $5, and visa-versa." Again, Julia politely declines and tries to get some sleep.
    Tony, now somewhat agitated, says, "Okay, if you don't know the answer you pay me $5, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $50!"
    This catches Julia's attention. She also knows from her experiences with Tony in Parliament that there will be no end to this torment unless she plays. So Julia agrees to the game.
    Tony asks the first question. "How much is the GST on a loaf of bread?" Julia doesn't say a word, reaches in to her wallet, pulls out $5 and hands it to Tony.
    Now, it's Julia's turn. She asks Tony, "What hops, carries its young in its pouch and flies?"
    Tony looks at Julia with a puzzled frown. He takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references. He taps into the air phone with his modem and searches the Internet and the Commonwealth National Library. Frustrated, he sends emails to all his pals in the Liberal party and finally people in the One Nation party. All to no avail.
    After over an hour, he wakes up Julia and hands her $50. Julia politely takes the $50 and turns away to get back to sleep.
    Tony, who is more than a little miffed, wakes Julia again and asks, "Well, so what IS the answer!" Without a word, Julia Gillard reaches into her wallet, hands Tony Abbott $5, and goes back to sleep.


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