re: 4 donhoop: douglas wood donloopie...
Two snippetts from your written flights of fntansy....
"What, if anything UNITES these two cases of Wood and Corby is the utter vulgarity and manifest disrespect the foreigners have for Islam, the religion of both countries where these two hostages are held. Shoving their most respected book down a toilet shows a hatred, as well as a lack of wisdom beyond belief. I can see a great many outraged muslims who would yell, in the same fashion as other fundamentalists, "death to America!"
"4. Without making excuses for his captors, they see these people -including security "personell"- as highly expensive parasites whose huge salaries (average of $30k per MONTH) will have to be paid by the Iraqi population, if and when the Yanks have replaced the Iraqi government with American lackeys (or "house arabs") just as the Brits did in India with "house Indians."
" So far as the Iraqi resistance is concerned any foreigner on their land is aiding and abetting the "coalition of thieves and warmongers"
Its clear you have no real grasp of the politics of the region and simply use the Iraq situation as your most accesible platform to spruik your really wierd mix of anti-American, anti-JH, flower-child, touchy-feely, head-up-you-azz view of the world that seeemingly has no link to the real world.
If you are a product of our Uni must do better.
It simply must.
Your starting to sound like the East European puppets mouthing the rhetoric of the anti-American & anti-western Communist regimes.
Lackeys???? Go Che!!!!
Get a grip.
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