DOW 2.27% $5.17 downer edi limited

****dow to soar tonight!!******, page-10

  1. 328 Posts.

    I can tell you one thing and that is the DOW will not sour tonight. Perhaps later in the week we might see a turn around (temporarily that is) and further falls next week. I don't think we have reached the turning point. ASX will also go to around thr 3850 soon before we seen any recovery. Don't get me wrong - I hope you are right and I am wrong since I currently hold calls in BHP.

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$5.28 $5.28 $5.16 $2.699M 521.4K

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1 729 $5.17

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$5.18 1679 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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