dow up 400 and we go negative..go kev., page-55

  1. 3,648 Posts.
    "This is not a cheap shot" - what a load - it is. Blaming the PM for the volatility of the market is a) nonsense, b) shows a somewhat biased view (IMO) and c) places blame on politicans, when in fact it was financial markets that created the current situation and precipitated everything that came afterward. FCOL, if anything, the GFC is due to the INACTION of politicians (worldwide) and yet there are still ppl that will not accept that further regulation and/or enforcement is required. Totally illogical!

    This whole thing is so one sided, it beggars belief. Company tax is going to drop soon - no one is complaining about that - but require more from larger miners for resources they are EXPLOITING and there is a wave of BD you can see from a 100 miles away and hear from even further.

    The market has gone negative because that's what markets do - I have been around a little while and I tell you the market consists of the most fickle, spineless charlatans imaginable. They are worse than the proverbial used car salesman - they would sell down anyone and everyone for a buck.

    In fact, I wonder why ppl complaining? From the sound of many on HC, shorting the miners must be rife now - enormous rewards for comparatively little risk! The European troubles, the Asian troubles (China not growing as much as forecast!), etc. Surely the time to short is now? What are you all waiting for?

    We all know that the major miners are crying fowl to minimize "the damage" but they must have known it was coming and they knew it was going to be hard to swallow - to think otherwise it to brand them as actually incompetent. They had input into the Henry study, they must have heard the "ideas" being thrown about. From what has happened and things I have heard, they may have been taken by surprise by the government announcement (who knows?) and of course they would retaliate with the only thing that they can - a public campaign of FUD.

    Well, if the libs win, then the ppl have spoken. If the libs lose, then the ppl have also spoken - most will abide by the outcome (we have to!) but do you think these guys will accept the verdict? No way.
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