down, down, down, prices are down everywhere, page-3

  1. 10,494 Posts.
    The property construction is another culprit of the mega house price bust. As the glut was slowly building a few years ago, they helped to propagate the chronic shortage myth by playing up the slowing down of construction in order to lobby state and federal government to introduce incentives for FHBs. This created an inflated army of builders, tradesmen, brick layers now with no work.

    The clowns at the HIA for instance have been singing from the same song sheet as the NHSC about a slow down in construction leading to a worse chronic shortage and hence higher house prices and (therfore worst housing affordability....LOL!)

    Now we have the RBA governor (who was not asked the question about a Australian housing crash - it was part of his speech) out of the blue as if he has run out of things to talk about decided to state explicit "We should never say a crash couldn't happen here" while desperately trying to talk up the situation.

    Do you guys need another hint ??

    He is saying w"hile I am trying to talk things up (because I was part of the problem and it is my job to paint a rosy picture as the dark clouds roll in)". At the same time he is giving you guys the clearest signal yet of "DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU".

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