Draconian enough yet?, page-104

  1. 8,884 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8145
    @pierogi ..."ozblue, take a look at that IPA video above and think about that"

    It's a heap of garbage, because the underlying assumption is everything will just go back to normal.

    Reducing restrictions now would lead to a massive outbreak, that would have the hospitals overrun in 4-6 weeks.

    If/when people saw the hospitals couldn't cope, do people really think everyone else would just go about their business as normal?? It doesn't work like that, people get scared for their own health. They will act way out of normal in a totally uncontrolled manner.

    In Equador there are hospitals totally overrun, dead in rooms throughout the hospitals. People in the streets are collapsing, just like we saw in Wuhan and in Italy or was it South Korea or both?

    That is what is coming if we just let it spread throughout the community, with all the associated change in people's behavior as well.
    Restaurants? The guy in that video mentions both restaurants and clubs, people getting together, typical Aussie stuff. How on earth does a restaurant operate with Covid still in the community?? It isn't possible as they would very quickly have no customers, yet be expected to employ people, pay rent, etc, etc. The 'let it rip' thoughts would send most of these types of business bust very quickly anyway.

    I don't think any of the 'let it rip' crowd has thought through the implications of spreading the virus. Normal economic activity is dead already.

    Over a month ago I stated there were no easy answers for this at all. Our society was completely unprepared for a pandemic. There are still no easy answers, but controlling the narrative instead of allowing chaos will at least lower the death rates.

    We are obviously already in a depression, it will just take time for the numbers to show it. It didn't matter which approach was taken, the economy was going down anyway.
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