dramatic and quick downturn soon be warned

  1. 2,047 Posts.
    the economic numbers are about to quickly and dramatically get worse in america and europe.

    my area of expertise is history. i am a historian.
    the western nations are all in decline. none of them are about to boom and prosper. nations in decline historically dont boom and prosper, they gradually get worse at first and then quickly and dramatically. weve historically speaking had the gradual bit and now we head into the quick and dramatic.
    add to this historical precedence, we also have out of control markets. for example; oil traders, the rich, pushing the oil price up on vague notions of an economic recovery because they are allowed to get away with it.
    another example; the american stock market not being allowed to go down because hedge funds keep buying.
    add to this the criminal involement in nations and the markets. the yakuza were running olympus, what other japanese companies are the yakuza running? japan is finished unless they deal with the yakuza problem. it wont be pretty if they do try and stop them.
    add to this the fact that the public education system in the west has been decling for decades. students coming out of the system virtually useless and thus we get a 50% youth unemployment rate in ireland and spain. 20-30% in england and im sure america,australia etc will catch up soon. there calling them the lost generation.
    i dont mean to be negative but things unfortunately are about to get worse. i hope i am wrong but i dont think so.
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