Drinking alone, page-4

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    lol - watso has read all that rubbish about drinking alone - and does not believe a word of it - ok, could be true in some circumstances (does your glass need a top up ..watso).

    lol - watso's father would like a glass of wine , and as a kid, watso recalls going to the swan valley, where the vineyards would have tastings - plenty of wine, plenty of people and plenty of tastings  - obviously watso's father would buy a flagon or two.

    on the other side of the coin, there was watso's mother who never touched a drop.

    as a teenager, watso would sometimes go with his father to some wine yard along albany highway (kelmscott area??) ... anyway, watso's father would like to have a glass or two ,or three of wine, and listen to some music - once or twice a week - when everyone else was in bed... ie he was drinking alone

    lol  being raised in a puritanical household, watso was a bit concerned that his father was an alcoholic  - when in retrospect nothing could have been further from the truth

    never forget that jesus turned water into wine - so watso is a bit confused as to why some christian groupings (eg baptists)  abhor wine ..

    ok - watso has to admit, that in the deepest,darkest, moments of his life, he has turned to the bottle  - but on the other side of the coin, never went to the doctor for pills etc  - yes, watso did drink alone - just to get through the pain of living.

    watso ended up chatting (over a meal) with someone - and one way or the other, watso mentioned that he had used the bottle to get through the darkest times of his life - and the other guy mentioned that he had jesus, for those times  .. lol, being an atheist, watso does not believe in jesus - but for sure, the holy spirit (ie alcohol) helped a lot
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