drones to surveil ...australian farmers!!!

  1. 13,176 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25
    This is the police state gone mad. The Australian govt is now using a 'special interest' groups to bring in police state surveilance techniques. Sad to see Australia drift down this path ... Surely the average Australian can see through this BS or am I just wishful thinking?


    Drone will range freely over farms to keep tabs on animal welfare

    March 31, 2013
    Ben Cubby
    Environment Editor

    Animal Liberation's Mark Pearson with the drone. Photo: Ryan Osland

    An animal welfare group is about to become the first in Australia to deploy surveillance drones to hunt for evidence of animal abuse on private property.

    The group Animal Liberation will operate a drone, equipped with a powerful camera, above free-range egg farms, sheep farms and cattle yards, to gather evidence of abuse.

    There appears to be little farmers can do to stop coming under drone surveillance - flying drones above tree height is legal.

    ''Our legal advice is that if you're no nearer than 10 metres above ground, and you're not filming in anyone's houses, you can go ahead,'' said Animal Liberation NSW executive director Mark Pearson.


    ''For example, if an egg producer says that they are free-range, it would be helpful to check their claims by filming from above the property. You can gather the evidence, and there's no need to trespass. Or, let's say we find a sheep dying from fly strike, we can record the location on a GPS and notify the authorities.''

    The group bought its six-bladed, helicopter-type drone for $14,000 from a commercial supplier, using public donations, and its members have completed a training program. It will start using the drone next week, with several farms and businesses already earmarked for surveillance.

    Farmers were dubious about being watched by drones.

    ''Many people in rural communities would see this as another attack on their peace of mind and an invasion of their privacy,'' said the president of the NSW Farmers Association, Fiona Simson.

    She said farmers recognised that safe food meant healthy and happy animals.

    ''NSW Farmers does not condone any acts of animal cruelty and farmers are committed to high animal welfare standards,'' Ms Simson said.

    Mr Pearson said the drone would not just be used to gather evidence of illegal cruelty, but would also film some routine, legal farm practices that might upset non-farmers. ''We're not interested in what farmers may be doing in their daily activities, and I completely respect people's privacy,'' he said. ''But there are lots of cases where farming activities cause horrible distress to animals, mulesing being a common example. People are entitled to know and see what's going on.

    ''So, even if it is lawful, if we think the public is going to be outraged or if we think they need to be informed, we will show it.''

    Earlier this month, Animal Liberation exposed horrific acts of cruelty at an Inghams turkey abattoir, near Sydney, after anonymously produced footage handed to the group showed turkeys being bashed and trodden on.

    The Australian Privacy Commissioner, Timothy Pilgrim, has said ''the potentially intrusive nature of the technology'' meant there should be a public debate about regulations covering drone use.

    Environmental groups overseas are also starting to use drones, and the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd was rebuked by the Australian Antarctic Division last year for flying drones in a region covered by the Antarctic Treaty without having done an environmental impact assessment.

    Last month in the US, an animal rights group used a drone to monitor pigeon shooting in South Carolina. The hunters retaliated by opening fire and shooting down the drone.

    Read more: http://www.watoday.com.au/national/drone-will-range-freely-over-farms-to-keep-tabs-on-animal-welfare-20130330-2h0a4.html#ixzz2P4DMrSTl
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