drug runners are great kids, page-3

  1. 1,432 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    Funny isn't it that these adults (all over 18) didn't realise that drug smuggling is illegal and therefore criminal behaviour. They don't know right from wrong. Didn't know that in Indonesia it's a death sentence. Didn't see the big signs at Denpassar Airport. Always got an excuse, always someone else's fault.

    Funny isn't it how many of our convicted criminals are 'innocent'. They were framed, it was mistaken identity, all a big mistake. Criminal behaviour is criminal behaviour isn't it - or am I mistaken? :)

    Funny isn't it that some people must think that if Indonesian Nationals were smuggling drugs from Australia to Indonesia we'd let them get on a plane and let the Indonesian police arrest them when they landed.

    Sometimes I wonder just who some of us think we are.

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